vasanthakumar-a / Apartment_Rental_Rails

Apartment Rental Application created using Rails 6
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The setups steps expect following tools installed on the system.

*Ruby 3.0.4
*Rails 6.1.7
  1. Check out the repository
    $ git clone
  2. Create and setup the database

Run the following commands to create and setup the database.

  $ rails db:create:all
  $ rails db:migrate
  1. Start the Rails server You can start the rails server using the command given below.
    $ rails server

    And now you can visit the site with the URL http://localhost:3000

  2. Signup as Owner with three accounts
  3. Run the following command in console to generate 100 fake data in database
    $ rails db:seed

    Now you can see a 100 fake data to test the code