vasilya93 / bebop_control

ROS package to control bebop for stocktaking task.
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This code represents ROS package used for calculation of mutual postions of ArUco markers and navigation of Parrot Bebop drone along a grid of such markers. You can start using the package by adding it to your conventional ROS catking workspace:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
catkin_make install

Please note that this package makes use of other ROS packages aruco_ros and bebop_autonomy, so please install those packages in advance and make sure that example launch files from those packages can be run correctly on your computer. Once that is done, you can try using bebop_control by running

roslaunch bebop_control localization.launch

From ROS topic bebop_pose you must be able to read pose of the copter with respect to your ArUco markers.