vasujain275 / rudra

My Nix + Hyprland Setup
71 stars 1 forks source link

:snowflake: रुद्र :snowflake:


> **रुद्र** (Rudra) is the Hindu god my flake is named after, symbolizing transformation and renewal.

> ✨ Inspired from [ZaneyOS]( 🌟 ## 🍖 Requirements - You must be running on NixOS. - The rudra folder (this repo) is expected to be in your home directory. - Must have installed using GPT & UEFI. Grub is what is supported, for SystemD you will have to brave the internet for a how-to. ☺️ - Manually editing your host specific files. The host is the specific computer your installing on. ### ⬇️ Install Run this command to ensure Git & Vim are installed: ``` nix-shell -p git vim ``` Clone this repo & enter it: ``` git clone cd rudra ``` - *You should stay in this folder for the rest of the install* Create the host folder for your machine(s) ``` cp -r hosts/default hosts/ ``` **🪧🪧🪧 Edit options.nix 🪧🪧🪧** Generate your hardware.nix like so: ``` nixos-generate-config --show-hardware-config > hosts//hardware-configuration.nix ``` - *Edit All the instances of my name "vasu" and replace it with your name* - *Remove ciscoPacketTracker from system pkgs in configuration.nix* - *Change to amd modules from nvidia one in configuration.nix* - *Remove asusd services from configuration.nix if not using a asus laptop* Run this to enable flakes and install the flake replacing hostname with whatever you put as the hostname: ``` NIX_CONFIG="experimental-features = nix-command flakes" sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#hostname ``` Now when you want to rebuild the configuration you can execute the last command, that will rebuild the flake! Hope you enjoy!