vaxr / mumble-dicebot

Text dicebot connecting as a mumble user via the mumble protocol.
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
2 stars 2 forks source link

You can install the dependencies with 'bundle install'.

Dependencies: A protobuf implementation for Ruby, such as "ruby_protobuf" (0.4.11) OR "protobuf" (1.4.2)

WARNING: The script has not been tested with other protobuf implementations. In case it fails to work with yours, run rprotoc over Mumble.proto and replace msg.rb with the resulting file.

Developed for Ruby 1.9.3.

For the parameter list, run $ mumble-dicebot -h

As of now, the script has to be aborted manually (CTRL-C). This should automatically disconnect the bot. (Otherwise, the server will kick it after half a minute or so of ping silence.)