vcavallo / impostor_roster

6 stars 9 forks source link

Impostor Roster

Contributions are very much welcome! I typically do a better job at making projects friendly to contributors, but this one sort of came out of nowhere. For now, here's a non-exhaustive list of stuff I'd like to do:



~- Until I skip recaptcha on develop, you'll need to get a reCAPTCHA account and add localhost to the list of domains in the account. ( Get the keys from there for the step below.~

#.env living at application root

export RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY=thignsthigns
export RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY=thingsthings
export ADMIN_NAME=somenameforhttpbasicauth
export ADMIN_PASSWORD=somepasswordforhttpbasicauth

Things to know


I keep a file and (attempt to) adhere to semver, if for no other reason than these things keep me alert. I'm using rake-version to maintain the VERSION file and I update the changelog manually as feature branches are merged, more or less. If you're contributing, all that is mostly irrelevant to you, but the branching stuff might matter:

Easy. Those are eventually merged back into develop until it's time to open up a release branch - which is where the version bumps and any other last-minute fixes are made - which is then merged into master and back into develop.
All this doesn't really matter to you, though. Just open feature branches off of develop :)