ve1ld / vyasa

a home for the timeless fables, hymns and the traditions that bind us as a people
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+title: Vyasa


Wherever there be anything you dost not comprehend, cease to continue writing

-- Vyasa, Adi Parva - Mahabharatam


*** First Setup Steps We first setup the servers that get run and then do teh data migration steps.

We can use the [[file:docs/migration_ritesh.livemd::Migration steps][livemarkdown here]] for the data migration steps.

  1. start docker, use the [[file:docker-compose.yml][docker-compose file]] already available. This will start the minio, pg and the like

    +begin_quote sh

    docker compose up


  2. init aws cli, use a dummy profile writing to the =~/.aws/credentials= file will work as well:

    +begin_quote toml

    [default] aws_access_key_id = secrettunnel aws_secret_access_key = secrettunnel


  3. create the s3 bucket that shall be used

    +begin_quote sh

    aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:9000 s3 mb s3://vyasa


  4. install the elixir deps

    +begin_quote elixir

    mix deps.get


  5. do an initial db migration

    +begin_quote elixir

    mix ecto.setup


  6. [Data seeding] Seed the text, written and events This requires us to use a .json dump. [[./scripts/wow.json][Here's an example]] of such a dump.

    We also need some voices files to init the voices. The voices repo is a private repo for now, can be found [[][here]].

    For an easier time, use [[file:docs/migration_ritesh.livemd][this livemarkdown]].

*** Starting Steps

  1. Start aux services by running docker compose up
  2. Start the vyasa server

    +begin_quote bash

    iex --sname vyasa --cookie foofoo --dbg pry -S mix phx.server


** Prior Art *** [[][Shivkumar's Archives]]

Shivkumar Kalyanaraman has compiled and archived a wealth of song recordings, paired with word-by-word meanings

*** [[][Shaivam]]

Built and maintained by devotees since 1996 a wealth of textual archives

*** [[][Holy Bhagavad Gita]]

A tremendous effort by Jagadguru Kripaluji Trust

** Forms of Prior Art as Inspiration *** [[][Xanadu Pattern ]]

Ted Nelson the granddaddy of hypertext media, need I say more. The introduction to [[][Literary Machines]] is instructive to delineating the problem boundaries for literature

*** [[][Design of]]

Gwern has incorporated sidenotes instead of footnotes on wide windows, drop caps, smallcaps, collapsible sections, automatic inflation-adjusted currency, Wikipedia-style link icons & infoboxes, custom syntax highlighting, extensive local archives to fight linkrot (archive engine), and an ecosystem of “popup”/“popin” annotations & previews of links for frictionless browsing—the net effect of hierarchical structures with collapsing and instant popup access to excerpts enables iceberg-like pages where most information is hidden but the reader can easily drill down as deep as they wish.

*** [[][Tufte.css]]

Edward Tufte has developed a distinctive style in his works: simple, with well-set typography, extensive sidenotes, and elegant representations of graphs and charts

*** [[][CText]]

Dr. Donald Sturgeon has compiled a great corpus of ancient (in particular pre-Qin and Han dynasty) Chinese texts in an organized and searchable format which has been composed through an parallel passage interface, word lists for semantic linking and ancient text database.

*** [[][Pattern Language]] Christopher Alexander's pattern language arranges a series of steps, in a certain way that allows the process of unfolding to proceed. The rules are ordered – sequenced – to unfold each part of the environment being created, smoothly and coherently [[][enlarging the whole]].