ve3sjk / SkyWeather-Python-3

Python3 Port of SkyWeather
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This is the initial commit of a port of SkyWeather to Python 3

NOTE: This is a work in progress only the stuff below is working further files for solarmax and other available hardware are not ported since i don't have that hardware to test on my system.

If anyone knows how i can make a dump of the current owner and permission of my directory i will be happy to include it here.

I have made additional changes to the original files as follows

It should not take much work to make it work i think its a coulple of lines that are commented out in and some setting in your and it should work. Of course you need to import the data base into mysql as well.

-Further Modifications to orig files include

Any reference in other files and MySql calls now use the above settings.

Added settings in config file

Additional debug flags

Getting it to run as a background service

SkyWeather Libraries and Examples for Raspberry Pi Solar Powered Weather Station

Supports SwitchDoc Labs WeatherRack PiWeather Board

All documentation is on:

December 15, 2019: Version 055 - MySQL SolarMAX Fixes