vecnet / dl-discovery

Map based discovery interface for digital library records
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VecNET Discovery

Geospatial discovery layer for VecNET Digital Library.

Built using:


# Clone repository
$ git clone

# Install ruby dependencies
$ bundle install

# Install for development
$ bundle exec rake earthworks:install

# Start up Solr instance through Jetty server
$ bundle exec rake jetty:start

# Start Rails application
$ rails server


Running continuous integration tests

$ rake ci

Running data integration tests

Important!!! Must be run with a production index passed in using the TEST_SOLR_URL env variable. If ssh tunneling, make sure to NOT run rake ci while tunneled as it may delete the index.

$ TEST_SOLR_URL= rake integration

Running application

$ rails s

Uploading sample data

To upload sample records into your local jetty solr, run the following.

./script/upload-to-solr.rb vecnet-solr-sample.json http://localhost:8983/solr/blacklight-core

Harvesting production data

Optionally, clear the solr core.

curl http://<remote_ip>:8081/solr/discovery/update?commit=true -H 'Content-Type:application/xml' -d '<delete><query>*:*</query></delete>'

Harvest the Library and Simulation Records:

./script/harvest-dl.rb <target solr core> 2015-04-01
./script/harvest-ci.rb <target solr core>