vectaport / ivtools

X11 vector graphic servers
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        README for ivtools 2.0

This directory contains a release of ivtools 2.0.11. You should read the rest of this file for information on what ivtools is and the INSTALL file for instructions on how to build it.

The overall copyright and permission notice for ivtools can be found in the COPYRIGHT file in this directory. It is similar to the X11 copyright, otherwise known as non-copylefted freeware.

Online documentation (including an FAQ) is available for ivtools at:

ivtools is a layered collection of application frameworks for building custom drawing editors and spatial data servers. It incorporates a backward compatible copy of the original InterViews and Unidraw class libraries and sample programs (from 3.2a.tar.Z), augmented with new class libraries and sample programs for a wide variety of generic spatial data applications.

ivtools comprises four sets of interrelated capabilities useful to application programmers. The first set is the libraries and example programs borrowed whole from InterViews 3.1. The second set is for reusing and extending the light-weight glyph objects of InterViews 3.1 which embody a lot of the capability of TeX. The third set reuses and extends the Unidraw library (Unidraw is a major portion of the overall InterViews 3.1 release that provides an application framework for custom drawing editors). The fourth set adds a command interpreter and server mechanism to ivtools, and demonstrates these capabilities with text, glyph, and graphic front-ends. To get more of an overview of these layers you can read:

These are the libraries and example programs borrowed straight from InterViews 3.1:

IV      library of InterView 3.1, InterViews 2.6, Dispatch,
        OS, and TIFF objects
dclock      digital clock with fading digits
iclass      C++ class browser
idemo       glyph demo 

These are the libraries and example programs that make up the glyph part of ivtools (programs in the glyphs directory):

IVGlyph     library of Glyph derived classes

bdvtable        bounded-value editing 
formdemo    value-editing 
gclock      glyph-based clock
meter           sliding meter
radiogroup      radio-buttons
scrollable  2d scrollable glyph
scrollfield 2d scrollable field-editor
strchooser  string chooser 
timestamp   editable time glyph

Plus a generally useful text display and editing program:

ivtext     emacs-like text editor 

Also all the glyph example programs from InterViews 3.1 have been added in an examples3.1 directory under the glyphs directory.

These are the libraries and example programs that make up the Unidraw part of ivtools:

Unidraw     copy of Unidraw library from InterViews 3.1
UniIdraw        librarification of 3.1 idraw 
OverlayUnidraw  extended Unidraw/idraw framework
TopoFace    spatial network library (nodes, edges, faces)
GraphUnidraw    graph browser/editor library
FrameUnidraw    multi-frame display mechanism

idraw       idraw built on UniIdraw library
drawtool        extended version of idraw built on OverlayUnidraw
graphdraw       graph browser/editor integrated with drawtool
flipbook        flipbook multi-frame editor based on drawtool

These are the libraries that make up the command interpreter part of ivtools:

ComUtil     command interpreter utility functions
Attribute   attribute property list mechanism
AttrGlyph   glyphs for Attribute library
ComTerp     command interpreter objects
ComGlyph    glyphs for ComTerp library  
ComUnidraw      drawing editor with command interpreter
DrawServ        drawing server framework with support
        for graphs and frames.

comtest     test program
comterp     sample command interpreter 
glyphterp   command interpreter user interface
comdraw     drawtool with command interpreter
drawserv        comdraw with both graphs and frames.

Note: GraphUnidraw/graphdraw and FrameUnidraw/flipbook have been rearranged within the ivtools source tree to take advantage of the ComUnidraw framework layer, so they really could be listed in both of the previous sections.

There is also a Time library with Date and Time classes borrowed from the NIH's class library, and an example program, ivxt, that shows how an Xt widget can be wrapped around an InterViews application. Finally, there is a collection of utilities (utils) and shell scripts (scripts) that augment the drawing editors of ivtools with minor capabilities. See the relevant directories and files for further information.

A series of makefile targets support the checkin of sources to cvs/rcs, and their subsequent update and modification. This requires a copy of cvs available from the Free Software Foundation and ivmkcm-0.7.2 available through

ivtools is known to build with many versions of gcc (up to gcc-4.3) and on a variety of Unix'es: SunOS 4.1 (MIT's X11R5), Solaris 2.6 (X11R6), Irix 5.2 (SGI's X11R5), Linux 1.2 (Slackware 3.0, XFree86 3.1), Linux 2. (RedHat 4.0 thru 7.0, Debian 2. and 3.*), NetBSD, FreeBSD, and Darwin (Mac OS X). There are contributed configs that are out of date for HPUX and Dec Alpha (though the HPUX contrib might almost have it right). It has been built on Windows NT 4.0 using Cygwin from Cygnus Solutions (see README.cygwin). You can find links to available binaries on the ivtools web page ( and ivtools download page (

If you have a question about this software, desire to add code, found a bug, want to request a feature, or wonder how to get further assistance, please send e-mail to the general purpose ivtools mailing list, To subcribe to the mailing list, visit Other ivtools related mailing lists can be found at:

Read about finding and generating all this from inline documentation below. A copy of the (older) ivtools html documentation will be available for download as well:

A SourceForge project page for ivtools can be found at:

Read about other vector graphic free software at:

Extensive documentation is embedded within the ivtools source tree, including most all of the documentation originally available for InterViews 3.1 and Unidraw. You can find all of it pre-extracted here:

Here is a list of documentation:

- README/man pages for executable programs

Within most directories that contain an executable program
(a main.c) you'll find a README that explains something
about the program, how to use it, what it does, what
arguments it takes.  In the case of the drawing editors
and command interpreters this README has been further
processed into a man page, which can be found in its
uninstalled state in the src/man/man1 directory or wherever 
you elect to install them.

- HTML class documentation

Many of the C++ class libraries of ivtools are documented 
using comments in the header files (the .h files) that can
be extracted using PERCEPS, a Perl documentation generator for
C++ (

See src/html/README for instructions on auto-generating these
web pages yourself, or see the result on-line at:

- InterViews 3.1 and Unidraw man pages

All the original man pages from InterViews 3.1 and Unidraw have
been preserved, and can be found in src/man/man3, or where ever
you elect to install them.  They also can be browsed online at:

- InterViews 3.1 reference manual 

The original reference manual for InterViews 3.1 can be found in
PostScript form at src/man/refman3.1/refman.PS.  It is also
found in page-indexable online form at:

Copied from the ivtools FAQ:

Q: How do I set up a stand-alone program or source tree on top of ivtools for development purposes?

A: If you are writing a stand-alone program that will exist in a single directory, simply copy an appropriate Imakefile and main.c from a InterViews or ivtools example program directory, modify accordingly, then use "ivmkmf -a" to generate the Makefile. Make sure you are using a fresh ivmkmf that corresponds to your installation of ivtools. An example of this is the comtop sample program, a stand-alone program separate from ivtools that builds on top of the comterp command interpreter mechanism.

comtop.tgz is now part of the ivtools distribution

If you are setting up an entire source tree with both class libraries and executable programs, you will want to get started by replicating an equivalent source tree (i.e. vhclmaps) and change or rename all directories or files as appropriate.

read more on vhclmaps at

Roster of ivtools programmers:

Scott Johnston
Jorge Gautier
Brian Hogencamp
Rick Kissh
Eric Kahler

InterViews 3.1 programmers that we know of:

Mark Linton
John Vlissides
Paul Calder
John Interrante
Scott Stanton
Steven Tang

ivtools can be built to leverage a variety of separate third-party libraries:

* clippoly from Klamer Schutte for polygon intersection
(licensed under the LGPL)

* ACE from Doug Schmidt for middleware networking frameworks
(licensed similar to X Windows)

ivtools detects and uses at runtime a variety of third-party executables:

* qhull from the University of Minnesota Geometry Center

* pstoedit from Wolfgang Glunz

* ghostscript from L. Peter Deutsch and Aladdin Systems

* djpeg from the JPEG group

* giftopnm from Jef Poskanzer's pbmplus toolkit
(a copy of anytopnm from the same toolkit is incorporated into
the scripts directory)

OverlayUnidraw incorporates Version 3.1 of a "C++ Vector and Matrix Algebra routnes" (algebra3.h) from Jean-Francois Doue.

HPUX (HP-800) config contributed by Neal Becker. ALPHA config contributed by Bruno Delfosse at Thomson CSF. A lot of feedback on Solaris 2.6 building from M. Rasit Eskicioglu at the University of Alberta. NetBSD port and other assistance from Todd Gruhn.

Cygwin development environment for Windows NT from RedHat (Cygnus Solutions).

Patches to iv-3.2a incorporated from the PDP++ distribution from Carnegie Mellon University Department of Psychiatry, Randall C. O'Reilly, et. al.

Patches for Debian 2.0 packaging incorporated from Guenter Geiger. This work included the conversion of drawtool, flipbook, and graphdraw README's to man page format.

Patch for iv-3.1 shift key handling from Doug Scott, the author of MiXViews.

Certain InterViews libraries (Dispatch, IV, IV-2_6, IV-X11, InterViews, OS, TIFF, Unidraw) and example programs (iclass, idemo, idraw) are copied from the InterViews 3.1 sources. Here is the aggregrate copyright notice for that software package:


The building of Unidraw with gcc-2.5.* (and subsequent versions) was enabled by a patch from Adam Zell.

The TIFF library was written by Sam Leffler and published with this copyright and permission notice:


The strchooser example and StrChooser class were contributed by David B. Hollenbeck, as well as the glyph-based Motif-look pull-down menus of OverlayUnidraw. Here is his copyright notice:


The scrollable example is based on code from Chen Wang

The text-editor example program is by Jan Andersson of Torpa Konsult AB. Here is that copyright notice:

// // Simple Text Editor // // // Copyright (C) 1993 Ellemtel Telecommunication Systems Labratories // // Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, // modify, and distribute this software, provided that this complete // copyright and permission notice is maintained, intact, in all copies // and supporting documentation. // // Ellemtel Telecommunication Systems Labratories make no representation // of the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided // "as is" without any expressed or implied warranty. // // Jan Andersson, Torpa Konsult AB // janne at - 1993-08-29

The Date and Time classes in the Time library are borrowed from the NIHCL class library, written by K. E. Gorlen, Computer Sciences Laboratory, DCRT, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, and published with this notice:


The graylevel raster and painting mechanisms of OverlayUnidraw were originated by Richard B. Kissh under contract to Vectaport Inc, as well as the shared memory rasters and asychronous incremental download of rasters.

The ComUtil library was originally developed at Triple Vision Inc. under NSF Grant ISI-8521259 (authors/contributors: Robert C. Fitch, Richard A. Fundakowski, Robert K. Graber, Scott E. Johnston).

The ivdl URL downloading utility was developed by Eric F. Kahler under contract to Vectaport Inc.

Keung Chi Ng of IET Inc. has provided a good deal of feedback on ivtools over the years, and has assisted in demonstrating the viability of the application frameworks by developing a variety of vertical applications on top of OverlayUnidraw, FrameUnidraw, and GraphUnidraw.

The balance of ivtools has been developed by Vectaport Inc. (P.O. Box 7141, Redwood City, CA 94063), with additional support from IET Inc. (P.O. Box 112450, Campbell, CA 95011) in the form of ARPA subcontracts (DACA76-93-C-0025 and DACA76-97-C-0005), as well as directly employing Scott Johnston from April 1999 thru August 2000 and giving him the freedom to evolve ivtools and related open-source frameworks as part of his job. There was also support from Applied Sciences Inc, San Francisco, CA, in the form of a subcontract for a Phase II SBIR from NASA Ames.