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What is Outlook For CiviCRM?

Outlook CiviCRM integration, allows Outlook to directly interact with CiviCRM using REST apis. Emails from Outlook are filed into CiviCRM as activities against the contacts. An Outlook plugin and this CiviCRM extension makes the interaction possible.



  1. Select email recipients in Outlook originally created in CiviCRM
  2. Choose groups in CiviCRM to synchronize to Outlook either automatically or manually
  3. Synchronize many contact fields in CiviCRM to Outlook (work and other email, phone and address, custom contact fields, etc) without overwriting other custom Outlook contact fields not mapped to CiviCRM fields
  4. Optionally delete contacts in Outlook no longer in synched CiviCRM groups
  5. Record emails sent from Outlook as activities of recipient contacts in CiviCRM
  6. Supports multiple attachments to emails
  7. Uses email address deduplication to attach emails to the correct contact including creation of a new contact if they don't exist.
  8. Prompts for duplicate contacts so that user can select which ones he wants to create the activity with.
  9. Remembers deduplication settings so you dont have to continually pick the contact if exists multiple times in CiviCRM
  10. Allows each CiviCRM user to have their own personal settings



  1. Download and install extension for CiviCRM -
  2. Download plugin for Outlook - OutlookForCiviCRM Setup/


Installation Steps for Outlook Plugin:

1. Extract your folder

2. Locate OutLookForCiviCRM-vX.X.msi, and double click to initiate installation

3. Installation Step 1:

(Press next button on this screen)

4. Installation Step 2:

To install it to different directory, press browse and select the same.
Press Next button.

5. Installation Step 3:

Press Next button.

6. And that’s it, that will install OutlookForCiviCRM on your system.

Now when you open Outlook you should be able to see a tab on the main menu called “OutlookForCiviCRM”.

Post Installation Configuration:

Admin Settings - Set default activity type for Outlook emails

You can set the default activity type for all the emails filed from Outlook. By default it’s set to “Email”.

To change this setting, in CiviCRM go to Administer -> System Settings -> Outlook Settings


New features added in v3.0.0.beta

  • Additional contact fields fetched from CiviCRM into Outlook
  • Custom fields fetched from CiviCRM and stored against Outlook record
  • Changes on a contact are synchronised during the sync such as firstname, lastname and email
  • The sync updates all the fields and overrides the value in the Outlook record
  • "Delete contacts in Outlook when removed from the CiviCRM group" setting allows you to completely delete a contact from Outlook if it's no longer a part of any group
  • Automatic sync - Allows to launch the sync every X hours, the value can be configured in the plugin settings
View full documentation on v3.0.0.beta

Improvements/fixes in v3.0.1

  • Civi work phone is now synced to Outlook Business field
  • Civi phones of type "home" are synced to Outlook Home, Home 2 and Home Fax
  • Civi additional phone type is synced to Outlook Assistant field
  • Civi work address is synced to Outlook Business address (primary or not)
  • Added supplemental address to Outlook Street address field
  • Fixed custom fields(multiple values) does not come through