For the Functional Programming course within the Information Design semester (@ cmda-tt) we learn about functional programming in JavaScript. This allows visualizations to be made with the javascript library D3.
This repository shows functional programming using survey data from CMD students from the information design semester. Later in the course, different datasets provided by the RDW will be used to create a visualization with the theme of Cars in the city. This visualization will visualize the following main question:
What about parking an electric car compared to parking as a disabled person in the Netherlands?
In order to be able to visualize this main question, several subquestions have been created. You can find these in my wiki - Concept
The dataset that was used first is the survey data of 93 CMD students who followed the Information Design semester in year 2020.
Later in the project, the datasets supplied by the RDW will be used on behalf of De Volkskrant. These are public datasets and can be found at the links below:
To start, you must have a code editor installed on your computer. For this project (and most of my projects) I used Visual Studio Code. But you can also use Atom, for example.
Before getting started, you need to download this project and open it with your code editor. To do this, open your terminal with the correct path in which you want this repository. Example:
Then type the folling line of code into your terminal:
git clone
With this line of code, you've succesfully downloaded the repository to your desired location.
Go to the repository path in the terminal and add the following line of code below:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8800
Now you can go to http://localhost:8800/ in the browser and see the code in the console.
Dataset sources
This repo is licensed as MIT by :copyright: Veerle Prins, 2020