veeta-tv / roku-gamp

Google Analytics Measurement Protocol for Roku
MIT License
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SceneGraph #6

Closed siekermantechnology closed 7 years ago

siekermantechnology commented 7 years ago

Are there any plans to get this to work in SceneGraph, where all network traffic has to happen in Task nodes, instead of messageport while loops?

Although quite a bit can be reused, it would require significant re-architecturing, so I can imagine that you might not be inclined if you don't have a specific need for it yourself.

cdthompson commented 7 years ago

I think it would be good addition to the library. It originally came from a non-SceneGraph implementation, so assumes 'm' is the GlobalAA reference. It wouldn't be difficult to refactor that part out and wrap the whole of the library into a Task.

The open issue is which Task pattern to use... I've implemented both short-lived Task threads which launch and exit, as well as long-lived Task threads that have a messageport and while loop. I've even implemented events going from SceneGraph UI thread to the main BrightScript thread. Also, there is a question of whether to have a global instance of the Task, perhaps referenced by, or to give each component a local instantiation of the task. There are pros and cons to each approach.

Perhaps the most flexible would be a long-lived thread listening to field events from a messageport. Tracking events would be serialized by the firmware and sent off one at a time. This will reduce the task management overhead and risk of garbage collection before a finished tracking request.

siekermantechnology commented 7 years ago

We've got our own internal Google Analytics library which I wrote a while back, which is also based on non-SceneGraph. I think I'll rewrite that to SceneGraph and let you know which approach I took there. Might be useful if you ever decide to modify this library.

cdthompson commented 7 years ago

PR #10 adds a simple wrapper which invokes GAMP from scene graph

siekermantechnology commented 7 years ago

Cool! I'll be sure to check it out.