veit / diazo_bootstrap

Buildout project easily integrates Bootstrap in the Diazo XSLT processor
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========================= Diazo-Bootstrap-Framework

.. contents:: :depth: 3 :backlinks: entry


The Diazo-Bootstrap-Framework allows you to pull the bootstrap front-end <> on your web application. Therefor we use the Diazo XSLT Generator <>. There are also two samples included for the content providers Plone <> and Sphinx <>.

At last the Diazo-Bootstrap-Framework makes it easy to apply bootstrap <>_-updates in your own project using the subtree merge strategy of git.


Operating system specific instructions



    $ sudo apt-get install build-essential git python2.7 python2.7-dev python-setuptool

Before Ubuntu 11.04 the package ``git-core`` has to be installed instead of ``git``.



$ sudo yum install make gcc-c++ zlib-devel git openssl-devel wv poppler-utils libjpeg-turbo-devel freetype libxml2-devel libxslt-devel unzip
$ sudo -u root -i
# curl -O
# tar xvzf Python-2.7.5.tgz
# cd Python-2.7.5/
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/python/2.7.5
# make
# make install
# mkdir /opt/python/2.7.5/Extensions
# cd $_
# curl -O
# /opt/python/2.7.5/bin/python


- `Install OSX development tools (XCode) <>`_
- `Install Macports <>`_
- ::

    $ sudo port install git-core python27 py27-distribute


Please read Using buildout on Windows <>_.


. First we clone the repository::

$ git clone

. Than wie create the Diazo service and generate the bootstrap files::

$ cd diazo_bootstrap/diazo
$ python
$ ./bin/buildout


. To create a Sphinx <>_-based documentation, you can

install it with buildout::

$ cd diazo_bootstrap/sphinx
$ python
$ ./bin/buildout

. Then you can call the sphinx-quickstart to configure your


$ ./bin/sphinx-quickstart

You have to answer some questions::

> Root path for the documentation [.]: 
> Separate source and build directories (y/N) [n]: y
> Name prefix for templates and static dir [_]: 

. Additionally we had to add the global navigation to the sidebars. Therefore

we edit diazo_bootstrap/sphinx/source/

html_sidebars = {
   '**': ['globaltoc.html', 'localtoc.html', 'relations.html', 'sourcelink.html', 'searchbox.html'],

. Next, we will create the documentation in

${buildout:directory}/docs with::

$ cd diazo_bootstrap/sphinx
$ ./bin/sphinxbuilder

. Finally, we start the Diazo-Proxy for our Sphinx-Docs::

$ cd diazo_bootstrap/diazo/
$ ./bin/paster serve sphinxproxy.ini

and the Sphinx documentation with the Bootstrap-Theme will be available at http://localhost:9000.

Further information

- `collective.recipe.sphinxbuilder <>`_
- `Sphinx documentation <>`_


#. To create a `Plone <>`_-Site, you can
   install it with buildout::

    $ cd diazo_bootstrap/plone
    $ python
    $ ./bin/buildout

#. Then you can start the instance with::

    $ ./bin/instance start

   Now the Plone-Site will be available at ``http://localhost:8080/plone``. 

#. Next, we start the Diazo-Proxy for our Plone-Site::

    $ cd diazo_bootstrap/diazo
    $ ./bin/paster serve ploneproxy.ini

   and the Plone-Site with the Bootstrap-Theme will be available at

Living Styleguide

The Diazo-Bootstrap-Framework uses `KSS <>`_ or more
precisly `kss-node <>`_ for generating a
styleguide. More information about living styleguides you can find in the
`KSS specification <>`_.

To generate or update the living styleguide you have to call ``kss-node``::

    $ cd diazo_bootstrap/bootstrap
    $ node_modules/kss/bin/kss-node less styleguide --l less/bootstrap.less
    enerating your KSS Styleguide!

     * Source: /Users/veit/projects/vsc/diazo_bootstrap/bootstrap/less
     * Destination: /Users/veit/projects/vsc/diazo_bootstrap/bootstrap/styleguide
     * Template: /Users/veit/projects/vsc/diazo_bootstrap/bootstrap/node_modules/kss/lib/template

    ...compiling KSS styles
    ...parsing your styleguide
    ...generating section 1 [ Core variables and mixins ]
    ...generating section 2 [ Grid system and page structure ]
    ...generating section 3 [ Base ]
    ...generating section 4 [ Common ]
    ...generating section 5 [ Buttons & Alerts ]
    ...generating section 6 [ Nav ]
    ...generating section 7 [ Popovers ]
    ...generating section 8 [ Misc ]
    ...generating styleguide overview
    ...compiling additional stylesheets
     - less/bootstrap.less (less)

    Generation completed successfully!

Now you can view your living styleguide in the web browser with a url similar
to the following::



#. First you have to link to the bootstrap repository::

    $ git remote add -f bootstrap

   This will add the following part in the configuration file of your
   Repository ``.git/config``::
    [remote "bootstrap"]
        url =
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/bootstrap/*

#. Now you can apply changes in the bootstrap repository with::

    $ git fetch bootstrap
    $ git merge bootstrap/master

#. Then we have to remove the generated files::

    $ cd diazo_bootstrap/bootstrap
    $ make clean
    rm -r bootstrap

#. Last we build the bootstrap files again::

    $ make bootstrap

Bug tracker

Have a bug? Please create an issue here on GitHub that conforms with
`necolass guidelines <>`_:

`Issues <>`_


Veit Schiele

- `github <>`_
- `Twitter <>`_

Copyrights and licenses

 Copyright 2012 Veit Schiele

 Licensed under a BSD-like License.

 Copyright Plone Foundation

 Licensed under a BSD-like License.

 Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.

 Licensed under the `Apache License v2.0

Font Awesome
 Font licensed under the `SIL Open Font License

 CSS, LESS, and SASS files licensed under the
 `MIT License

 Pictograms licensed under the `CC BY 3.0 License

 Copyright Zope Foundation

 Licensed under the Zope Public License (ZPL) Version 2.1.