velikanov / SwiftPasscodeLock

An iOS passcode lock with TouchID authentication written in Swift.
MIT License
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Update README #32

Closed jrmsklar closed 8 years ago

jrmsklar commented 8 years ago

When customizing our Passcode view, I began by copying and pasting the PasscodeLockView.xib file into our app's main target. I noticed that the custom classes PasscodeSignPlaceholderView and PasscodeSignButton were not displaying/functioning in the Storyboard as expected. I then realized that it was because the Module field in the Identity Inspector was set to my current module, and not PasscodeLock. Changing it to PasscodeLock fixed that issue.

I thought it'd be helpful to add a little note in the README reminding people to do this.

That the image I added (identity-inspector.png) is not coming through in this, but it should as soon as this PR is merged into master.

ziogaschr commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot @jrmsklar