velikanov / SwiftPasscodeLock

An iOS passcode lock with TouchID authentication written in Swift.
MIT License
199 stars 52 forks source link


A Swift implementation of passcode lock for iOS with TouchID authentication.

Originally created by @yankodimitrov, hope you're doing well.


PasscodeLock requires Swift 2.0 and Xcode 7



To integrate PasscodeLock into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'PasscodeLock', '~> 1.0.2'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


Add the following line to your Cartfile

github "velikanov/SwiftPasscodeLock"


import UIKit
import PasscodeLock

class PasscodeRepository: PasscodeRepositoryType {

    var hasPasscode: Bool = true
    var passcode: [String]?

    func savePasscode(passcode: [String]) {}

    func deletePasscode() {}

import UIKit
import PasscodeLock

class PasscodeLockConfiguration: PasscodeLockConfigurationType {
    let repository: PasscodeRepositoryType
    var passcodeLength = 4 // Specify the required amount of passcode digits
    var isTouchIDAllowed = true // Enable Touch ID
    var shouldRequestTouchIDImmediately = true // Use Touch ID authentication immediately
    var maximumInccorectPasscodeAttempts = 3 // Maximum incorrect passcode attempts

    init(repository: PasscodeRepositoryType) {
        self.repository = repository

    init() {
        self.repository = PasscodeRepository() // The repository that was created earlier

let passcodeViewController = PasscodeLockViewController(state: .SetPasscode, configuration: configuration)

presentViewController(passcodeViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

You can present the `PasscodeLockViewController` in one of the four initial states using the `LockState` enumeration options: `.EnterPasscode`, `.SetPasscode`, `.ChangePasscode`, `.RemovePasscode`.

Also you can set the initial passcode lock state to your own implementation of the `PasscodeLockStateType` protocol.

## Customization

### Custom Design

The PasscodeLock will look for `PasscodeLockView.xib` inside your app bundle and if it can't find it will load its default one, so if you want to have a custom design create a new `xib` with the name `PasscodeLockView` and set its owner to an instance of `PasscodeLockViewController` class.

Keep in mind that when using custom classes that are defined in another module, you'll need to set the Module field to that module's name in the Identity Inspector:

<img src="">

Then connect the `view` outlet to the view of your `xib` file and make sure to conenct the remaining `IBOutlet`s and `IBAction`s.

PasscodeLock comes with two view components: `PasscodeSignPlaceholderView` and `PasscodeSignButton` that you can use to create your own custom designs. Both classes are `@IBDesignable` and `@IBInspectable`, so you can see their appearance and change their properties right inside the interface builder:

<img src="" height="270">

### Localization

Take a look at `PasscodeLock/en.lproj/PasscodeLock.strings` for the localization keys. Here again the PasscodeLock will look for the `PasscodeLock.strings` file inside your app bundle and if it can't find it will use the default localization file.

## Demo App

The demo app comes with a simple implementation of the `PasscodeRepositoryType` protocol that is using the **NSUserDefaults** to store and retrieve the passcode. In your real applications you will probably want to use the **Keychain API**. Keep in mind that the **Keychain** records will not be removed when your user deletes your app.