velletti / ke_questionnaire

This is a fork of the offical ke_questionnaire, compatible with TYPO3 - 8.7. LTS
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Fork for TYPO3 9 LTS

This is NOT the offical Version of ke_questionnaire!

I just made a fork and made changes, that enables the USE of TYPO3 8-LTS (and now also LTS 9 ) Actual development is only on Branch TYPO3-9-LTS

Adjustments for LTS 10 are planned for Q4 / 2021.

IMPORTANT Breaking changes

================================================ files from 'uploadfolder' => 'uploads/tx_kequestionnaire' are not supported anymore You need to migrate such attached images to Questions and Answers to FAL as i did not use this kind of data, i do NOT plan to develope a migration wizard

If You need this: You have to copy this files from uploads/tx_kequestionnaire to fileadmin/user_upload/tx_kequestionnaire

run indexer for Files to have sys_file entries and create sys_file_references between
question / Answer and then replace the value form the field with 1

Minor Breaking changes

================================================ The empty partial PageBreak.html was renamed from lowercase Pagebreak.html to camelCase PageBreak.html


Things i have done:

Added new features:

Maybe also it would be possible to use hooks/signalslot to receice this, i decide to integrate my features directly, as it looks as there will be no further developement of ke_questionnaire. The added features are:

I also changed configuration\flexforms\questionnaire.xlm to be able to configure this 2 new features. if you have your own flexform, you need to copy this 3 new fields to your flexform.


Maybe we need also to adjust file view/chart.php it uses:

Breaking changes

If you have changed the template: ke_questionnaire/Resources/Private/Templates/Backend/AuthCodesMail.html or the partial: ke_questionnaire/Resources/Private/Partials/Backend/CreateAndMailAuthCodes.html

you need to adjust this: (You need to handover to the partial parameter 'text' and render the Email preview inside of the template )

Most Templates have to be adjusted for LTS9, see Git Repositorys history Removed outdate Arguments in Backend Viewhalpers added sometimes now

- LTS 9

Add this to your config/sites/.yaml imports:

CSV / report Settings:

Bugs / Issues

feel free to report Bugs to my fork in the github issue list. or create directly a pull request.

[Github Repo]
