vembry / playground

a playground to play around with code and stuff
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flowchart LR
   load-test --> app-go
   load-test -.-> app-java
   load-test -.-> proxy
   proxy -.-> app-java
   proxy -.-> app-go
   proxy -.-> app-go-1
   proxy -.-> app-go-2

   app-java -- storage --> postgres
   app-java -- worker queues --> rabbitmq
   app-go -- storage --> postgres
   app-go -- worker queues --> rabbitmq
   app-go -- cache --> redis
   app-go -. alternative worker queues .-> broker


  1. dotted line refers to future update
  2. solid line refers to what we currently have

directory briefs

learning points

  1. learn how to make credits management doesnt go kaboom when theres huge transaction intake
    1. this covered inside ./app-go and already fully implemented
    2. additionally I wanted to created ./app-java just to see how it performed compared to golang one. It should contain the same spec as ./app-go
      1. implemented, but only for server, no worker
  2. learn how to utilize docker for service orchestration
  3. learn how to load test using grafana/k6, which we'll be using to run the scenario + replicate huge intake process
    1. this got scratched because as per writing this, we cannot meddle with grafana/k6 directly with golang
  4. build a simple load test library that has observabilities element built in it
  5. visualize the observability metrics from the experiment, using:
    1. grafana, to visualize
    2. cadvisor, to scrap resource metrics from the containers
    3. prometheus, for app-go metrics
    4. open-telemetry, identifies bottle-necks and traces
  6. utilize rabbitmq for message broker. I'm using this for asynchronous process.

