venantius / darg

Kill the status meeting -- an abandoned IDoneThis competitor.
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Say goodbye to status meetings.

Development Setup

Install dependencies

brew install postgres
brew install leiningen
gem install premailer
npm install

Development Flow

This is just my (@venantius) flow, but I think it's informative. I have many windows open at once, but the important windows are the following:

  1. lein run server - the app
  2. grunt watch - watch for changes to assets and recompile
  3. lein repl :connect - a REPL, connected to the app
  4. lein with-profile test test-refresh :growl - watch the backend file system, running tests when things change, and send me growl notifications. If you don't have growl installed then just leave off that keyword.


lein run server to start a server running on localhost:8080


We're deploying to AWS. At the moment CircleCI is configured to automatically deploy to AWS on a successful build.

App URL:

Do the following to set up the app for local development: git remote add heroku

Scheduled Jobs

We use Heroku to trigger emails every hour through an authenticated request to the AWS server.


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