veo-labs / ldap-server-mock

Really simple basic mock for LDAP server
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
67 stars 26 forks source link

LDAP simple server mock

Really simple basic mock for LDAP server based on ldaps. Use it to mock an LDAP server and authenticate a user without further verifications, it simply searches for the user in the database and returns it. It does not implement LDAP SASL authentication. This should not be used in production environment, it is just for test purpose, nothing more.


npm install ldap-server-mock


Using the API

ldap-server-mock exposes the LdapServerMock class:

constructor(users: LdapUser[], serverConfiguration: LdapServerMockConfiguration, certificatePublicKey?: Buffer, certificatePrivateKey?: Buffer, logger?: LdapServerMockLogger)
Argument Required Default Details
users yes - The list of LDAP users as JavaScript objects (see below)
serverConfiguration yes { port: 3004, searchBase: 'dc=test'} The LDAP server mock configuration (see below)
certificatePublicKey no - The public key of the certificate to use for creating an LDAP server over TLS
certificatePrivateKey no - The private key corresponding to the public key defined by certificatePublicKey
logger no console A custom logger to use instead of console
start(): Promise<void>

stop(): Promise<void>


import * as fs from 'node:fs/promises';
import { LdapServerMock } from 'ldap-server-mock';

async function main() {

  const ldapUsers = [
      dn: 'cn=user,dc=test',
      attributes: {
        objectClass: 'person',
        cn: 'user-login',
        attribute1: 'value1',
        attribute2: 'value2'

  const serverConfiguration = {
    port: 3004,
    searchBase: 'dc=test'

  const customLogger = {
    info: (...args) => {;

  const certificatePublicKey = await fs.readFile('/path/to/certificate/public/key.pem');
  const certificatePrivateKey = await fs.readFile('/path/to/certificate/private/key.pem');

  const ldapServer = new LdapServerMock(ldapUsers, serverConfiguration, certificatePublicKey, certificatePrivateKey, customLogger);
  await ldapServer.start();
  await ldapServer.stop();


Using command line

LDAP server mock can be started with command:

npx ldap-server-mock --conf=/tmp/ldap-server-mock-conf.json --database=/tmp/users.json


Nb: If process is launched as a sub process it will send a message to its parent process when started:

  status: 'started';



The server's configuration file must be a simple JSON file:

  "certPath": "/path/to/certificate/public/key.pem",
  "certKeyPath": "/path/to/certificate/private/key.pem",
  "port": 3004,
  "searchBase": "dc=test"

The database's configuration file must be a simple JSON file containing an array of users:

    "dn": "cn=user,dc=test",
    "attributes": {
      "objectClass": "person",
      "cn": "user-login",
      "attribute1": "value1",
      "attribute2": "value2"
npx ldap-server-mock --conf=/tmp/ldap-server-mock-conf.json --database=/tmp/users.json

Server configuration

Property Type Required Default Details
certPath string no - The path of the certificate's public key to use for creating an LDAP server over TLS
certKeyPath string no - The path of the certificate's private key corresponding to the public key defined by certPath
port number no 3004 The port the LDAP server will listen to
searchBase string no "dc=test" The search base to use when searching for the user who is trying to connect
  certPath: '/path/to/certificate/public/key.pem',
  certKeyPath: '/path/to/certificate/private/key.pem',
  port: 3004,
  searchBase: 'dc=test'


An LDAP user must have a valid Dinstinguished Name and any number of other attributes:

Property Type Required Default Details
dn string yes - Dinstinguish Name
attributes Object yes - Any key / value pairs of attributes
  dn: 'cn=user,dc=test',
  attributes: {
    objectClass: 'person',
    cn: 'user-login',
    attribute1: 'value1',
    attribute2: 'value2'

Test a connection to the LDAP server

Here is an example using the ldapsearch client from OpenLDAP with the configuration used in examples:

ldapsearch -x -H ldaps:// -b "dc=test" "(&(objectclass=person)(cn=user-login))" attribute1 attribute2


Nb: Don't forget to change protocol to ldap if you haven't configured a certificate.

Known issues


This mock supports running an LDAP server over TLS which is the non-standard LDAPS. However STARTTLS (the standard way to run an LDAP server over TLS) is not supported as the underlying ldapjs module has not support for it on the server side. See issue STARTTLS support for the Server API for more information.


Maintainer: Veo-Labs
