verifiablesoftware / vsw

Core project of VerifiableSoftware
Apache License 2.0
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Developer's Read Me for VSW Client - Python

This project consists of the code for the client command line interface for interacting with that a VSW repo.

For informal discussions, we use slack : Anyone is welcome to join the slack channel using this invitation link: Slack invitation link is timed. The above link is going to expired on July 7, 2021. We will try to watch and update the link timely. In case we missed it, or it isn't working for you, please file a github issue to alert us. Welcome to the vsw project.

Table of Contents



Python: >= 3.6

See to install

NodeJS: >= 12.22

See to install

Recommend IDE: Pycharm

See to install

Virtual Environment Installation

git clone
pip3 install virtualenv
cd project root directory
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


There are also 3 daemon processes are running at the same time when vsw is running. You can check them with command below.

ps -ef|grep vsw


This is used to communicate with aca-py in repo


This is used to receive the notification of webhook from aca-py, also save credential in the local.


This is used to exposes your localhost to the world for easy testing and sharing! No need to mess with DNS or deploy just to have others test out your changes. see to get the detail. The localtunnel is installed in the following folder when 'pip3 install vsw'


The script file how to install localtunnel is placed in the file below.

<project root dir>/vsw/conf/


The wallet information and credential information are saved in the local sqlite database. The sqlite database file is saved in the following path.



The vsw configuration file is in the following path. it includes tails server and repo server address, also includes aca-py related configuration and schema info.

<project root dir>vsw/conf/vsw.ini


The logger file is placed in the the following folder.


There are four logger files in this folder.
aries-cloud-agent.log (for aca-py)
lt.log (for localtunnel)
vsw-controller.log (for vsw controller)
vsw.log (for vsw)

How to package vsw?

cd vsw project root directory, then execute the following command.

python sdist bdist_wheel

How to upload to

For production:

twine upload dist/*

For test:

twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*

How to install vsw with pip

For production:

pip install vsw

For test:

pip install -i vsw

For local install,

cd dist/, then execute the following command

pip install vsw-x.x.x-py3-none-any.whl

If you have already locally installed it before, need to uninstall it firstly.

pip uninstall vsw-x.x.x-py3-none-any.whl

How to run vsw

  1. vsw setup

    newwallet: create new wallet

        name: the wallet name

        -k,--key: the wallet key

    wallet: start the created wallet

        name: the wallet name

        -k,--key: the wallet key

        -p,--ports: The ports number, format is (,,)

    connection: create connection

    creddef: create credential definition

         -s,--schema: the schema name

  2. vsw publish

    publish your software credential

    -c,--cred-file: The cred json file path

  3. vsw verify

    Verify if the software credential is correct. the following parameters are needed.

    -p,--proof-request: The proof request json file path

  4. vsw list

    List all the necessary information in the console

    -c, --connection: list the connections.

    -w, --wallet: list the wallet information.

    -sc, --schema: list the schema ids.

    -s, --status: list the agent status.

    -p, --present_proof: list the present proof records.

    -cs, --credentials: list the credential records.

    --cd, --credential_definition: list all the credential definition records.

  5. vsw exit Exit aca-py agent, close vsw controller, localtunnel etc.