veritus / veritus-backend

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Veritus backend


Prerequisites are installing docker and docker-compose.

  1. Run
    $ docker-compose up
  2. Open a browser at localhost:8000 and see the Django admin site
  3. Make code changes
  4. Rerun
    $ docker-compose up
  5. Voila your change has been added.

Make Migrations

When you are making changes to the data model, you have to generate the migration files

  1. Run
    docker-compose up
  2. Then run, in another terminal window,
    docker-compose exec backend python3 src/ makemigrations 
  3. Resolve anything Django asks you to resolve (non-nullable fields and such)
  4. Migration file should not be generated in the correct domain!
  5. Build the docker image again
    docker build -t veritus/backend:latest .
  6. Rerun and your changes should be live
    docker-compose up


Sometimes you need to take some actions during the migrate command (you will see it in the console when running docker-compose). Then simply run

docker-compose up

and then in another terminal window run

docker-compose exec backend python3 src/ migrate 

Run tests manually

To run tests manually then simply run

docker-compose up

and then in another terminal window run

docker-compose exec backend python3 src/ test 

Run pylint manually

To run tests manually then simply run

docker-compose up

and then in another terminal window run

docker-compose exec backend pylint src/**

Run autopep8 manually

docker-compose up

and then in another terminal window run

docker-compose exec backend autopep8 --in-place --recursive . 


The docker image here is NOT supposed to be run alone. As the backend requires a database, there is no use running it alone. Use docker-compose to run the backend and database together.

Docker commands

Build image

Builds a local image of the project with the tag latest.

docker build -t veritus/backend:latest .

This is automatically done by Docker Cloud in the build process and saved in the Docker image repository online.

Login to docker cloud

docker login

Input credentials.

Push image to docker cloud

You normally dont have to do this manually as the build process takes care of it.

docker push <IMAGE-NAME>:</TAG>


docker push veritus/backend:latest

Docker compose

Docker compose can be used here to start the backend with a database. Simply run

$ docker-compose up

It also works to use this during development, as docker-compose mounts the source code directory into the docker container when run. Meaning you simply need to rerun

docker-compose up

after making code changes.

Connect to postgres using pgadmin

Run this to get the id of the docker container

$ docker ps

Then run this command to get the IP address of the container (should be close to the bottom)

$ docker inspect <id>

Then open pgAdmin

  1. Click "Add a connection to a server" (claw at top)
  2. Insert IP address you found out
  3. Find the username and password in the docker-compose.yml file
  4. Voila!

Run cron jobs in docker container

docker-compose exec backend python3 src/ runcrons