veronwklai / Design-Responsibly---create-a-healthy-internet-for-our-children-and-young-people

Mozilla Open Leader - C6 Culture Track
MIT License
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We are Design Responsibly, a project created by @veronwklai to raise the awareness of making safe online products and services inclusive for young people, in particular for LGBTQ community.

We have noticed an increased demand by government, policy makers, charities and internet users to provide safe online spaces to enable children and young people (CYP) to meet and talk with each other.

We believe in the mission of offering guidelines and practical tools to deliver effective and engaging digital services for both vulnerable and less vulnerable young people in the future.

We have conducted a six months research and co-design with LGBTQ youth and youth worker to develop a set of guiding principles on what is a good online product/service should look like

What our future vision for the Design Responsibly is:

The project is targeted to benefit the youth service providers who are developing online product and services. Individual who are interested in making inclusive design/tech, and service designers who are interested in exploring working open in their projects.

We are running our first event at Mozilla Festival in this year. The event name is Youth, LGBTQ and You: Building allyship to make a safer, healthier internet for all #291. Come and say hello if you are around.

This details on the design principles are here

We are currently looking for the contributor to give feedback on the Design Principles and exploring different ways of working open. We are a super tiny team of 2, if you have any idea and suggestion on how we can scale and develop our idea, please say Hello and leave us a comment below.