versastylist / mona

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Mona Readme

Setting up development environment

Make sure to have postgres installed and running. You should see an elephant in top bar of your computer if its on.

rake db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare  

Running the test suite:

rspec spec  


In development in order to 'catch' the emails that would normally be sent out you need to activate a daemon called mailcatcher. Open a tab in your terminal and type: mailcatcher (after you bundle install) and it should be up and running. Open a tab in browser and go to: http://localhost:1080/ in order to see the emails that would be sent.

Elastic Search

For development you also need an elastic search server running in the background.

To install elastic search first download via your favorite package manager. For homebrew:

brew install elasticsearch

Then this is the command to get it running:

elasticsearch --config=/usr/local/opt/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml

I have that command saved in an alias in my .zshrc file to save time:

# .zshrc file
alias elsearch='elasticsearch --config=/usr/local/opt/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml'

Stripe Credentials Go here to get test CC's and Bank Account Info

Rake Tasks

There is a rake task that gets scheduled to handle all payment processing. The rake task is called: rake payments:process

There is also a rake task to help with the creation of the client/stylist registration surveys called: rake survey:registrations


Pull Request & Branching

When checking out a branch use initials, issue ID, and then description of feature.


git checkout -b sd-2-setting-up-gemfile  

This is assuming there is an issue #2 that should set up the Gemfile.


Take advantage of the fact that SCSS allows you to use variables and mixins. File structure for frontend and conventions:

├── application.scss
├── components
│   └── nav.scss
├── mixins.scss
├── pages
│   └── home.scss
└── variables.scss

Disregard normal rails manifest and instead import all styles using SCSS. Import in this order:

Page styling should be properly namespaced to the page using the controller/action names. There is a global helper method called body_class which automatically appends the controller/action name as classes to the page.

Example: If you're making styling changes for the Homes#index page: {
  .title {
    font-size: 2em;
    color: black;

Note: all my css for that page should be inside the This will avoid name collisions and make life a lot easier.

If you're working on css for a component of the website and not a specific page make sure to put the styles inside the components folder. For example, if you're styling something for the navbar or maybe buttons make sure to put that in the component folder. Don't have the namespace for these styles since you want them to be site wide and not specific to the page. If you need to override the button styles for a specific page than that belongs in the pages scss file.

When using site wide settings make sure to set them as variables in the stylesheets/variables.scss file. For example if we had global colors and font sizes we would do something like:

/* app/assets/stylesheets/variables.scss */

/* COLORS */
$primary-color:  #eee;
$secondary-color:  #999;

/* FONTS */
$paragraph-font-size: 1em;
$title-font-size: 2em;

When you find yourself re-doing the same css 2 or 3 times make sure to extract that functionality into a mixin that can be reused.

/* app/assets/stylesheets/mixins.scss */

@mixin background-and-hover($color, $percentage) {
  background: $color;
  &:hover {
    background: darken($color, $percentage);