= redmine_spent_time
Along with the previous properties of Redmine, Our Plugin introduces the phenomenal features of Time Tracking and the updation of data(For both Parent company and its branches).It can be daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and of course 24/7.Extending the ease of Tracking enables the quality of product.
VERSION : 0.1 Bulk Time Entry 0.2 Project Plan
INSTALLATION: bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_spent_time
UNINSTALLATION: bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_spent_time VERSION=0
Features: ~ create Project Plan ~ Elastic search for project, issue and users in time entry.
Customization: For any Customization/Support, please contact us, our consulting team will be happy to help you
Versatile Community Inc
Please provide your rating at http://www.redmine.org/plugins/redmine_spent_time_versatile
Resources: User Guide : http://versatilecommunity.co.in/doc/spent_time_user_guide_v0.1.pdf