versoly / taos

A simple and small (600 bytes) library to help animate elements while scrolling using responsive Tailwind CSS JIT utility classes.
MIT License
229 stars 8 forks source link

TAOS - Tailwind CSS Animation on Scroll

A simple and small (600 bytes) library to help animate elements while scrolling using responsive Tailwind CSS utility classes.

Discord Licenese brotli bundle size


To view 20+ examples of TAOS in action go to

Getting started

TAOS can be included as a plugin into an existing Tailwind CSS project and will allow you to add responsive Tailwind CSS utility classes for animation on scroll.


Install Tailwind Plugin

Install TAOS package

npm install taos --save

Add plugin in tailwind.config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [

Add safelist utilties tailwind.config.js

module.exports = {
  safelist: [
    'html.js :where([class*="taos:"]:not(.taos-init))'

Add content transform in tailwind.config.js

module.exports = {
  content: {
    relative: true,
    transform: (content) => content.replace(/taos:/g, ''),
    files: ['./src/*.{html,js}'],

Add JavaScript scripts

Add script in <head>


Add the CDN script or download and paste right before the closing </body> tag

<script src=""></script>

TAOS Frequently Asked Questions

Does TAOS work with React/Vue/JS frameworks

TAOS does not currently work with JS frameworks as they rerender, disable certain event listeners.

Support for them is on the road map.

💡 Inspiration


If you need help or just want to discuss about the library join the community on Github:

Discuss about Versoly on GitHub

For casual chatting with others using the library:

Join the Versoly Discord Server