= Vert.x 5 examples
This repository contains a range of examples, so you can get up and running easily with Vert.x. 5
Vert.x 4 examples can be found here https://github.com/vert-x3/vertx-examples/tree/4.x
== The examples
The examples demonstrate how to use all different bits of Vert.x including Vert.x core, Vert.x-Web and various other services and features.
Most of the examples have been written as verticles. For more information on verticles please consult the Vert.x core manual.
Using verticles allows you to scale and run your code from the command line more easily, but if you prefer the same code in the verticles can also be run embedded. It's really up to you. Verticles are entirely optional in Vert.x.
=== Running the examples
==== Running in your IDE
Most of the Java examples can be run directly in your IDE.
We provide a main()
method in most of the example classes which allows you to conveniently run them directly in your IDE.
Just right-click the main method or class in your IDE and run as... application (supported by all major IDEs).
=== Vert.x core examples
The link:core-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x core examples] contains a wide range of examples using just Vert.x Core.
=== Service resolver examples
The link:service-resolver-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x Service Resolver] examples contain client using a resolver to discover service endpoints.
=== Vert.x-Web examples
Vert.x-Web is a toolkit for building web applications using Vert.x
The link:web-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x-Web examples] contains a wide range of examples using Vert.x-Web
=== Vert.x Web Client examples
Vert.x Web Client that provides an easy-to-use web client for Vert.x.
The link:web-client-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x Web Client examples] contains a wide range of examples using the Vert.x Web Client
=== Virtual Threads
The virtual-threads-examples
module shows how to use Vert.x with virtual threads.
See link:virtual-threads-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x Virtual Threads 5 examples].
=== Vert.x JUnit 5 examples
The vertx-junit5
modules allow testing Vert.x asynchronous operations with JUnit 5.
See link:junit5-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x JUnit 5 examples].
=== Vert.x Zipkin examples
link:zipkin-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x Zipkin examples] contains a wide range of examples using Vert.x Zipkin.
=== RxJava examples
Vert.x for RxJava provides most of its APIs as RxJava, so you can use those if you prefer.
RxJava is a great choice when you want to perform complex operations on multiple asynchronous streams of data.
The link:rxjava-2-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x RxJava 2] examples contains a wide range of examples using Vert.x for RxJava 2 The link:rxjava-3-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x RxJava 3] examples contains a wide range of examples using Vert.x for RxJava 3
=== gRPC examples
The link:grpc-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x gRPC Examples] show how you can implement a gRPC service and invoke a gRPC service with Vert.x.
=== Kotlin coroutines examples
The link:kotlin-coroutines-examples/README.md[Kotlin coroutines example] is a sample JDBC application demonstrating Kotlin coroutines in action.
=== Mail examples
The link:mail-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x Mail examples] contains a few examples using Vert.x Mail
The mail examples show different ways to create the mail message and send it via
tls, ssl etc. The examples either use localhost:25
to send a mail or use host
. To actually run the examples you will have to change the
mail server and the user credentials in the MailLogin
=== Service Proxy Examples
The link:service-proxy-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x Service Proxy examples] contains an example of service proxy usage. It depicts how a service provider can be implemented and how the published service can be consumed.
=== Vert.x AMQP examples
The link:amqp-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x AMQP examples] shows how to interact with an AMQP broker.
=== Spring Examples
The link:spring-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x Spring Examples] shows how vert.x application can be integrated inside a Spring ecosystem.
=== Redis example
The link:redis-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x Redis Example] shows how you can interact with Redis using the vert.x Redis client.
=== Mongo example
The link:mongo-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x Mongo Example] shows how you can interact with MongoDB using the vert.x Mongo client.
=== SQL client example
The link:sql-client-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x SQL Client Examples] shows how you can interact PostgreSQL or MySQL Databases using the Reactive SQL client.
=== Kafka example
The link:kafka-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x Kafka Examples] shows how you can interact Kafka using the vert.x Kafka client.
=== MQTT example
The link:mqtt-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x MQTT Examples] shows how you can write MQTT servers and clients using Vert.x MQTT.
=== Service Proxy Examples
The link:service-proxy-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x Service Proxy examples] contains an example of service proxy usage. It depicts how a service provider can be implemented and how the published service can be consumed.
=== JPMS examples
This link:jpms-examples/README.adoc[JPMS examples] shows how a simple Java (11) modular application using Vert.x.
=== Camel Bridge examples
The link:camel-bridge-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x Camel Bridge Examples] show how you can use Apache Camel routes from the event bus.
=== Micrometer metrics examples
The link:micrometer-metrics-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x Micrometer metrics examples] show how to collect Vert.x metrics with link:https://micrometer.io/[Micrometer] and send them to backends such as Prometheus or InfluxDB.
=== GraphQL examples
The link:web-graphql-examples/README.adoc[Vert.x Web GraphQL] examples contain simple client/server GraphQL applications built with https://vertx.io/docs/vertx-web-graphql/java/[Vert.x Web GraphQL] and the https://www.graphql-java.com/[GraphQL-Java] library.