vert-x3 / vertx-rx

Reactive Extensions for Vert.x
Apache License 2.0
145 stars 72 forks source link
java rxjava rxjava2 rxjs vertx

= Rx extension for Vert.x

image:["Build Status (5.x)",link=""] image:["Build Status (4.x)",link=""]

Vert.x module adding support for Reactive Extensions (Rx) using the Rx libraries. This allows Vert.x developers to use the Rx type-safe composable API to build Vert.x verticles. This module provides helpers for adapting Vert.x stream and future constructs to Rx observables.

== Documentation

== Stack integration

RxJava, RxJava2 and RxJava3 are integrated with the Vert.x stack.

=== Integration tests

Integration tests are placed here:

=== Integration docs

Integration docs are placed here:

The corresponding component uses an asciidoctor[include] directive to embed the doc snippet:


ifeval::["$lang" == "java"] include::override/rxjava3.adoc[] endif::[]

Vert.x Web Client example:

is replaced by

The final aggregation happens in the[stack generation] module.