vertica / vertica-grafana-datasource

Official Vertica datasource plugin for Grafana.
Apache License 2.0
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The datasource does not support alerting queries #3

Closed edsonbittencourt closed 1 year ago

edsonbittencourt commented 2 years ago

Hi devs,

First of all thank you so much for the plugin.

We have some Vertica databases in our environment and we've connected our Grafana with them. The datasource is amazing, we are constructing a lot of amazing dashboards. There's just one problem to us: we need to generate alerts using the dashboards, but aparently this feature is not allowed yet. We receive the message "The datasource does not support alerting queries" when try to configure the alerts.

I'm here to thank you for the great work and to ask if you are planning in the future enable this feature. I really don't know if it is possible.

Thank you so much again.

Best regards.

tanvipise commented 2 years ago


Thank you for trying out our new plugin. The Grafana alert feature is an opt-in feature from the newly launched versions =< Grafana v8.2. The alerts will be available if you change the config file and enable the alerts to true. Please refer to this link for your understanding.

tolgabuyuktanir commented 2 years ago

Hi @tanvipise, Thank you for your supports. I have the same problem when trying to create an alert on Grafana with Vertica as a data source. I followed the link you have shared, but ı didn't solve the problem.

Do you have any idea for a solution?

Thank you so much again for your help.

Besh regards.

tanvipise commented 2 years ago

Hello @tolgabuyuktanir,

Since it is an opt-in feature, you first need to set the alerting flag to true (by default is it set as 'false') in the conf.ini file. If you scroll down to the Limitations section in the link provided, Grafana has stated that it might not be able to fetch the alerting rules except for the mentioned datasources.


We believe it is a work in progress!

tolgabuyuktanir commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot. It is working for me.

marefr commented 2 years ago

The alerting property should be provided and set to true in plugin.json so would need change and a new release of the plugin. See alerting property in documentation.

Maybe there's a difference between legacy alerting and Grafana 8 Alerts in regards to whether the alerting property is needed or not.

edsonbittencourt commented 2 years ago

Thank you all!