Generates and installs Vyatta/VyOS configuration.
Tested on Vyatta Core 6.6 R1, limited testing on VyOS 1.1.0, patches are welcome.
Clone this repo to your Puppet modules directory
git clone git:// vyatta
If you are using VyOS and trying to install puppet agent, these instructions will help you:
1) Update all packages in system:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
Reboot if needed.
2) If version of the VyOS less than 1.1.0 (you can check this with show version
) upgrade it:
add system image <url-to-the-vyos-1.1.0> # Get the URL from
Reboot to start using vyos 1.1.0 image
3) Add debian squeeze repository to download and install puppet-agent:
set system package repository squeeze components 'main contrib non-free'
set system package repository squeeze distribution 'squeeze'
set system package repository squeeze url ''
set system package repository squeeze-backports components main
set system package repository squeeze-backports distribution squeeze-backports
set system package repository squeeze-backports url ''
set system package repository puppetlabs components main
set system package repository puppetlabs distribution squeeze
set system package repository puppetlabs url ''
set system package repository puppetlabs-dependencies components dependencies
set system package repository puppetlabs-dependencies distribution squeeze
set system package repository puppetlabs-dependencies url
sudo apt-get update
4) Install puppet-agent
sudo apt-get install puppet
5) Edit /etc/default/puppet and replace "START=no" with "START=yes" to ensure puppet starts at boot:
sed -i 's/^START=no/START=yes/g' /etc/default/puppet
6) Reboot. To confirm puppet is running after a reboot, you can run this:
pgrep puppet
7) Depending on your setup (i.e., masterless, puppetmaster, etc), you may need to make changes to your /etc/puppet/puppet.conf. This is left as an exercise for the reader. The [manual] ( may help.
Define the server.
class { 'vyatta':
configuration_file => '/home/vyatta/configuration',
Define the interfaces.
vyatta::interfaces::ethernet { 'eth0':
configuration => {
address => 'dhcp',
duplex => 'auto',
hw-id => $macaddress_eth0,
smp_affinity => 'auto',
speed => 'auto'
vyatta::interfaces::ethernet { 'eth1':
configuration => {
'address' => '',
'address' => '',
hw-id => $macaddress_eth1,
speed => 'auto'
vyatta::interfaces::loopback { 'lo':
configuration => {
address => ''
vyatta::interfaces::openvpn { 'vtun0':
configuration => {
local-address => '',
local-port => '5000',
mode => 'site-to-site',
remote-address => '',
remote-host => '',
remote-port => '5001',
tls => {
ca-cert-file => '/config/auth/ca.crt',
cert-file => '/config/auth/vyatta.crt',
key-file => '/config/auth/vyatta.key',
role => 'active'
Define the system.
vyatta::system::system { 'vyatta':
configuration => {
gateway-address => '',
host-name => 'vyatta',
time-zone => 'Europe/Amsterdam'
vyatta::system::config-management { 'config-management':
configuration => {
commit-archive => {
location => "tftp://<ip-address tfp-server>/$hostname"
commit-revisions => '20'
vyatta::system::login { 'login':
configuration => {
'user vyatta' => {
authentication => {
encrypted-password => '$6$GUyv4c3u7RZwjhRx$44.RQbxRI.nMEeV.ZJx61K7xMYQpAmOR8VjdWd3Wkz7TuG44eeygBoG2u9B3Jv8Cbfr0i.JTTwnrC5MDUkclI/', #Password: vyatta
'public-keys user@host' => {
key => 'Your public key',
type => 'ssh-rsa'
level => 'admin'
'user operator' => {
authentication => {
encrypted-password => '$6$GUyv4c3u7RZwjhRx$44.RQbxRI.nMEeV.ZJx61K7xMYQpAmOR8VjdWd3Wkz7TuG44eeygBoG2u9B3Jv8Cbfr0i.JTTwnrC5MDUkclI/', #Password: vyatta
level => 'operator'
vyatta::system::ntp { 'ntp':
configuration => {
'server' => {
prefer => ''
'server' => {
'server' => {
vyatta::system::package { 'package':
configuration => {
'repository community' => {
components => 'main',
distribution => 'stable',
url => ''
'repository puppet' => {
components => '"main dependencies"',
distribution => 'stable',
url => ''
'repository squeeze' => {
components => 'main',
distribution => 'stable',
url => ''
vyatta::system::syslog { 'syslog':
configuration => {
'file kernel-log' => {
archive => {
files => '10',
size => '10485760'
'facility kern' => {
level => 'info'
global => {
'facility all' => {
level => 'notice'
'facility protocols' => {
level => 'debug'
Define the service.
vyatta::service::https { 'https':
configuration => {
listen-address => '',
http-redirect => 'enable'
vyatta::service::ssh { 'ssh':
configuration => {
port => 22
vyatta::service::webproxy{ 'webproxy':
configuration => {
'listen-address' => {
disable-transparent => '',
port => '2050'
url-filtering => {
squidguard => {
local-block => ''
Define the policy.
vyatta::policy::access_list { '110':
configuration => {
description => '"Access list description"',
'rule 10' => {
action => 'permit',
description => '"Rule 10 description."',
destination => {
any => '',
source => {
inverse-mask => '',
network => ''
vyatta::policy::prefix_list { 'PREFIX-LIST':
configuration => {
'rule 1' => {
action => 'permit',
prefix => ''
'rule 2' => {
action => 'permit',
description => '"Rule 2 description."',
le => '15',
prefix => ''
'rule 3' => {
action => 'permit',
description => '"Rule 3 description."',
le => '17',
prefix => ''
vyatta::policy::route_map { 'ROUTE-MAP':
configuration => {
description => '"Route-map description."',
'rule 1' => {
action => 'permit',
description => '"Rule 1 description."',
match => {
ip => {
address => {
prefix-list => 'PREFIX-LIST'
Define the protocols.
vyatta::protocols::bgp { '65000':
configuration => {
'neighbor' => {
'remote-as' => '65001',
'update-source' => ''
'neighbor' => {
'remote-as' => '65002',
'update-source' => ''
'network' => {
backdoor => ''
'network' => {
route-map => 'ROUTE-MAP'
'network' => {
parameters => {
router-id => ''
redistribute => {
connected => {
metric => '1',
ospf => {
rip => {
route-map => 'ROUTE-MAP'
static => {
metric => '1',
route-map => 'ROUTE-MAP'
vyatta::protocols::ospf { 'ospf':
configuration => {
'area' => {
'network' => '',
'network' => ''
default-information => {
originate => {
metric-type => '2'
parameters => {
abr-type => 'cisco',
router-id => ''
'passive-interface default' => '',
'passive-interface-exclude eth0' => '',
'passive-interface-exclude eth1' => '',
redistribute => {
bgp => {
metric-type => '2',
connected => {
metric => '1',
metric-type => '2'
rip => {
route-map => 'ROUTE-MAP'
static => {
metric => '1',
metric-type => '2',
route-map => 'ROUTE-MAP'
The testing approach suggested here uses a healthy mix of vagrant, bundler, and a bunch of ruby gems like rake, beaker and rspec-puppet; check out the Gemfile for the list. In the following example, we will be provisioning a VyOS instance via virtualbox running on Ubuntu 14.04.
You'll need a couple of things installed like ruby, bundler and vagrant. To install and configure all of this on Ubuntu 14.04:
1) Install rvm to manage different gems for different projects and different versions of ruby. Run this as a non-root user:
\curl -sSL | bash
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
2) Install the latest ruby (as the same user as in step 1):
rvm install ruby
3) Clone this repo and cd to it (as the same user as in step 1 & 2):
git clone
If rvm asks about trusting .rvmrc, you should say yes.
RVM creates a gemset for you in your home directory, and you'll install all gems to your gemset. You can read about this [here] (
To be sure that you are using right gemset just type rvm info
and check if last string looks like this gemset: "puppet-vyatta"
4) Install needed libs for gems:
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev
5) Install virtualbox and vagrant, check for the latest on
sudo add-apt-repository multiverse
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install virtualbox
sudo dpkg -i vagrant_1.6.5_x86_64.deb
6) To confirm your test environment is up and running, you can run a dummy-test:
rspec spec/acceptance/dummy_test.rb
git checkout -b my-new-feature
)git commit -am 'Added some feature'
)git push origin my-new-feature