verygoodsecurity / starlarky

VGS edition of Google's safe and hermetically sealed Starlark language - a non-Turing complete subset of Python 3.
Apache License 2.0
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faas secure-computation skylark starlark team-vault

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VGS edition of Google's safe and hermetically sealed Starlark language

circleci-test * [Description](#description) * [Project overview](#project-overview) * [Libstarlark](#libstarlark) * [Larky](#larky) * [Runlarky](#runlarky) * [Pylarky](#pylarky) * [Developer setup](#developer-setup) * [Depoyment process](#deployment-process) ## Description Starlarky is VGS in-house edition of [Bazel]('s hermetically-sealed language created by Google called [Starlark]( This language is used to run "unsafe" user-submitted code without exposing service at whole to possible attack and/or vulnerabilities. Starlark has Python-like syntax and is created to support same structure of additional libraries. Key differences between Starlark and Python can be found [here]( ## Project overview Starlarky is presented as a monorepo with different modules ### Libstarlark _Libstarlark_ is a maven module, that contains Starlark compiler from [bazelbuild]( This module is being periodically updated from bazelbuild via this [script]( to maintain relevancy. See more at Libstarlarky [README]( To build run this command: ```bash mvn versions:set -DnewVersion= -pl libstarlark (optional) mvn clean package -pl libstarlark ``` ### Larky _Larky_ is a maven module, that contains VGS additions to Starlark language. Some additions ispired and taken from [Copybara]( Here are some of them: - JSR223 script engine - Annotations to define additional libraries - Extension [modules]( To build run this command: ```bash mvn versions:set -DnewVersion= -pl larky (optional) mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=libstarlark.version -DnewVersion= -pl larky mvn clean package -pl larky ``` ### Runlarky _Runlarky_ is an example Larky invocation application It builds as a Quarkus executable and gives ability to run Larky with input parameters. To build run this command: ```bash mvn versions:set -DnewVersion= -pl runlarky (optional) mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=starlarky.version -DnewVersion= -pl runlarky mvn clean package -pl runlarky -Pnative ``` This would build `larky-runner` executable in `runlarky/target` directory, that can be run from terminal ### Pylarky _Pylarky_ is pip lib-wrapper for runlarky to make larky calls conveniently from Python. ### Building and Running Tests ```bash docker-compose build docker-compose run local bash /src/ docker-compose run local bash /src/ ``` ### Run individual larky stdlib test ```bash mvn -Dtest='StdLibTest*' org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M5:test -pl larky ``` ## Developer setup In addition to having Maven installed, it must be configured to retrieve artifacts from Github. 1) Generate an access token using [Github's instructions]( The token needs `read:packages` scopes. 2) You must enable SSO for verygoodsecurity 3) Place the token in your `~/.m2/settings.xml` file. For example (look for `github-username` and `github-api-key` to be replaced with your values): ``` github github-username github-api-key ``` ## Deployment process To rollout a new verion of libstarlark/larky/larky-api create a new tag ``` git tag x.x.x git push origin x.x.x ``` Than, after CircleCI build, publish the draft release