vetter / shoc-mic

Pre-release of SHOC for Intel Xeon Phi
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SHOC Alpha v1.1.4a-mic

Alpha Status

This release is an alpha. It is expected to have bugs and has been tested on a limited number of platforms compared to the main distribution. The supported platform is CentOS 6.2 \ Intel Compiler v13.0.1

Please contact with any questions concerning this release.

Please see the release notes below for other limitations and known issues.

Building the Benchmarks

Type make inside this directory. This assumes the intel toolchain (a recent version of icc) is in your current path. Your paths should also include MKL, which is used in some of the benchmarks.

Running the Benchmarks

How to run all the benchmarks:

1) Use the provided run script in /bin

How to run an individual benchmark:

2) Set the appropriate environment variables (see run scripts)

For example, to run MD workload

    $ export MIC_ENV_PREFIX=MIC
    $ export MIC_USE_2MB_BUFFERS=32K
    $ export MIC_KMP_AFFINITY=granularity=fine,balanced
    $ export MIC_BUFFERSIZE=128M
    $ export nc=61
    $ export MIC_OMP_NUM_THREADS=4*$nc-4
    $ ./MD -s 4

For another example, to run FFT workload

    $ export MIC_ENV_PREFIX=MIC 
    $ export MIC_USE_2MB_BUFFERS=32K 
    $ export MIC_KMP_AFFINITY=granularity=fine,balanced 
    $ export MIC_BUFFERSIZE=128M 
    $ export MIC_MKL_DYNAMIC=false
    $ nc=61
    $ export MIC_OMP_NUM_THREADS=4*$nc-4
    $ ./FFT -s 4

The value for -s is a number between 1 and four that corresponds to problem size from smallest to largest (consistent with the CUDA and OpenCL versions).

Release Notes

Known Issues