vfeskov / gitpunch

Watch for releases on GitHub → gitpunch.com
MIT License
391 stars 8 forks source link
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Watch for releases on GitHub



POST /api/sign_in

Gets you an authorization token via cookie

Example payload

  "email": "test@email.com",
  "password": "testpassword"

Responds with user record (see profile) and Set-Cookie header that sets token cookie. The cookie must be sent with subsequent requests for authorization

DELETE /api/sign_out

Unsets token cookie

GET /api/profile

Returns authorized user record

Example response:

  "checkAt":9, // UTC hour
  "accessToken":"tui43sg76bbcbfce178bb682b01d6ebcd8b1c221", // of github
  "watchingStars":1, // 0: not watching stars
                     // 1: adding new stars
                     // 2: 1 + removing nonstars
      "filter":0 // 0: only major releases
                 // 1: major & minor
                 // 2: major, minor & patch
                 // 3: all

PATCH /api/profile

Updates record of authorized user

Any of the params can be send alone or all together:

  "checkAt":9, // UTC hour
  "watchingStars":1, // 0: not watching stars
                     // 1: adding new stars
                     // 2: 1 + removing nonstars
      "filter":0 // 0: only major releases
                 // 1: major & minor
                 // 2: major, minor & patch
                 // 3: all

Responds with result user record, see profile

POST /api/repos

Adds a repo to authorized user


  "filter":0 // 0: only major releases
             // 1: major & minor
             // 2: major, minor & patch
             // 3: all

Responds with all repos of authorized user, example:

      "filter":0 // 0: only major releases
                 // 1: major & minor
                 // 2: major, minor & patch
                 // 3: all

POST /api/repos/bulk

Adds multiple repos to authorized user


      "filter":0 // 0: only major releases
                 // 1: major & minor
                 // 2: major, minor & patch
                 // 3: all

Responds with all repos of authorized user, see example

PATCH /api/repos/all

Updates all repos of authorized user

Params can be sent alone or all together:

  "filter":0 // 0: only major releases
             // 1: major & minor
             // 2: major, minor & patch
             // 3: all

Responds with all repos of authorized user, see example

PATCH /api/repos/:repo

Updates a single repo of authorized user


  "filter":0 // 0: only major releases
             // 1: major & minor
             // 2: major, minor & patch
             // 3: all

Responds with all repos of authorized user, see example

DELETE /api/repos/all

Deletes all repos of authorized user

Responds with {repos: []}

DELETE /api/repos/:repo

Deletes a repo of authorized user

Responds with all repos of authorized user, see example

Notifier Stats


Logo by Sasha Feskova. Special thanks to @soulim and @luziamg

Support GitPunch by reporting bugs, suggesting ideas and starring the project - your feedback really helps me stay motivated ♥