vgrocha / hiccup-table

From clojure data structures, create html table using hiccup representation
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Table Headers with Column Spans #1

Open Quasaur opened 8 years ago

Quasaur commented 8 years ago

I think your library is just what i need, but i have a complicated table header (see that looks like this:

[:thead [:tr [:th {:colspan "4", :rowspan "1"}] [:th {:colspan "2", :rowspan "1", :class "dt-head-center"} "Bible"] [:th {:colspan "2", :rowspan "1", :class "dt-head-center"} "Gregorian"] [:th {:colspan "1", :rowspan "1"}]] [:tr [:th {:colspan "1", :rowspan "1", :class "cid"} "ID"] [:th {:colspan "1", :rowspan "1", :class "clabels"} "Labels"] [:th {:colspan "1", :rowspan "1", :class "ccaption"} "Caption"] [:th {:colspan "1", :rowspan "1", :class "cplace"} "Place"] [:th {:colspan "1", :rowspan "1", :class "cbstart"} "Start"] [:th {:colspan "1", :rowspan "1", :class "cbend"} "End"] [:th {:colspan "1", :rowspan "1", :class "cgstart"} "Start"] [:th {:colspan "1", :rowspan "1", :class "cgend"} "End"] [:th {:colspan "1", :rowspan "1", :class "cnotes"} "Notes"]]]

...can hiccup-table handle this???

vgrocha commented 8 years ago

I have pondered about this. It seems that the API would become too complicated to represent the column spanning.

Any thoughts or ideas on how the function input would be like?