vgrocha / hiccup-table

From clojure data structures, create html table using hiccup representation
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A library to declaratively generate html tables from Clojure data structures. For now it only generates tables for 1 dimensional data structures, i.e. tables with a header row followed by one or more rows. When declaring the table structure, you can pass functions that generate tags or calculate attributes depending on the cell content and/or key.


Just add

[hiccup-table "0.2.0"]

to your project dependencies


In order to generate a 1d table use

(hiccup.table/to-table1d data x-labels)

It generates a hiccup tag structure of a table with the rows listed in 'data' and the headers defined by 'x-labels'. 'x-labels' must be an ordered collection intercalating the column key and the header content.

    (array-map :data-key "data label" ...)

or a vector

    [ :data-key "data label" ...] 

The "data label" will be the content of the header cells. The :data-key is the key that identifies the 'data' column to be used and also the column when applying the attribute-functions (more on this below). For example

=> (hiccup.table/to-table1d (list [21 "John" 180]
                                  [22 "Wilfred" 182]
                                  [23 "Jack" 179]
                                  [24 "Daniel" 165])
                            [1 "Name" 0 "Age" 2 "Height"])

Or in a map format

=> (hiccup.table/to-table1d (list {:age 21 :name "John" :height 180}
                                  {:age 22 :name "Wilfred" :height 182}
                                  {:age 23 :name "Jack" :height 179}
                                  {:age 24 :name "Daniel" :height 165})
                            [:name "Name" :age "Age" :height "Height"]) 

results in

;=> [:table nil
     [:thead nil
      [:tr nil ([:th nil "Name"] [:th nil "Age"] [:th nil "Height"])]]
     [:tbody nil
      '([:tr nil ([:td nil "John"] [:td nil 21] [:td nil 180])]
        [:tr nil ([:td nil "Wilfred"] [:td nil 22] [:td nil 182])]
        [:tr nil ([:td nil "Jack"] [:td nil 23] [:td nil 179])]
        [:tr nil ([:td nil "Daniel"] [:td nil 24] [:td nil 165])])]]

When rendered:


Optionally, as last argument, you may add a map of functions to set the table attributes. The following keys are valid:

For example:

(let [attr-fns {:table-attrs {:class "mytable"}
                :thead-attrs {:id "mythead"}
                :tbody-attrs {:id "mytbody"}
                :data-tr-attrs {:class "trattrs"}
                :th-attrs (fn [label-key _] {:class (name label-key)})
                :data-td-attrs (fn [label-key val]
                                 (case label-key
                                   :height (if (<= 180 val)
                                             {:class "above-avg"}
                                             {:class "below-avg"}) nil))
                :data-value-transform (fn [label-key val]
                                        (if (= :name label-key)
                                          [:a {:href (str "/" val)} val]
   '({:age 21 :name "John" :height 179}
     {:age 22 :name "Wilfred" :height 182})
   [:name "Name" :age "Age" :height "Height"]

;=> [:table {:class "mytable"}
     [:thead {:id "mythead"}
      [:tr nil ([:th {:class "name"} "Name"] [:th {:class "age"} "Age"] [:th {:class "height"} "Height"])]]
     [:tbody {:id "mytbody"}
      ([:tr {:class "trattrs"} ([:td nil [:a {:href "/John"} "John"]] [:td nil 21] [:td {:class "below-avg"} 179])]
       [:tr {:class "trattrs"} ([:td nil [:a {:href "/Wilfred"} "Wilfred"]] [:td nil 22] [:td {:class "above-avg"} 182])])]]

When rendered:



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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.