vgrocha / hiccup-table

From clojure data structures, create html table using hiccup representation
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Cell with a Vector #3

Closed Quasaur closed 8 years ago

Quasaur commented 8 years ago

Here's an example row from my Neo4j database:

[0 [Event Calendar] Precessional Era of Leo Earth -105 2095 -11080 -8880 The Precessional Era of Leo (2,200 years)]

Notice that the 2nd cell ("[event calendar]") is itself a vector.

Currently your library only gets the 2nd item ("Calendar").

Could you please make your library include both "Event" and "Calendar" in the cell or show me how to?


Quasaur commented 8 years ago

In my application (which uses a Neo4j database) I only download vectors, not maps. I know that the built-in Clojure function (get-in) processes my data quite nicely, but am not sure where in your lib to put it.

vgrocha commented 8 years ago

Hey Mitchell! That's because the contents of the hiccup table are treated as hiccup structures. That means if you have a vector, the first element will be parsed as the html element, the second, if it's a map, into attributes and the rest as content, c.f Hiccup syntax. In that sense

["event" "Calendar"]

is parsed to


Does that make sense?

For this to work, you need to join the elements from your vector. For example, using the most recent v0.2.0:

=> (to-table1d '(["row 1" ["two" "fields"]]
                 ["row 2" ["two" "fields"]])
               [0 "Header 1" 1 "Header 2"]
                (fn [key val]
                  (case key 1
                        (clojure.string/join " " val)

;=> [:table nil
     [:thead nil
      [:tr nil ([:th nil "Header 1"] [:th nil "Header 2"])]]
     [:tbody nil
      ([:tr nil ([:td nil "row 1"] [:td nil "two fields"])]
       [:tr nil ([:td nil "row 2"] [:td nil "two fields"])])]]