vhbb / nanoAOD-tools

Tools for working with NanoAOD (requiring only python + root, not CMSSW)
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Tools for working with NanoAOD (requiring only python + root, not CMSSW)

Checkout instructions: standalone

You need to setup python 2.7 and a recent ROOT version first.

git clone https://github.com/cms-nanoAOD/nanoAOD-tools.git NanoAODTools
cd NanoAODTools
bash standalone/env_standalone.sh build
source standalone/env_standalone.sh

Repeat only the last command at the beginning of every session.

Please never commit neither the build directory, nor the empty init.py files created by the script.

Checkout instructions: CMSSW

cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone https://github.com/cms-nanoAOD/nanoAOD-tools.git PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools

General instructions to run the post-processing step

The script to run the post-processing step is scripts/nano_postproc.py.

The basic syntax of the command is the following:

python scripts/nano_postproc.py /path/to/output_directory /path/to/input_tree.root

Here is a summary of its features:

Please run with --help for a complete list of options.

How to write and run modules

It is possible to import modules that will be run on each entry passing the event selection, and can be used to calculate new variables that will be included in the output tree (both in friend and full mode) or to apply event filter decisions.

We will use python/postprocessing/examples/mhtProducer.py as an example.

The module definition file, containing the constructor:

mht = lambda : mhtProducer( lambda j : j.pt > 40, 
                            lambda mu : mu.pt > 20 and mu.miniPFIso_all/mu.pt < 0.2,
                            lambda el : el.pt > 20 and el.miniPFIso_all/el.pt < 0.2 ) 

should be imported using the following syntax:

python scripts/nano_postproc.py -I PhysicsTools.NanoAODTools.postprocessing.examples.mhtProducer mht

Let us now examine the structure of the mhtProducer module class. All modules must inherit from PhysicsTools.NanoAODTools.postprocessing.framework.eventloop.Module.

The event interface, defined in PhysicsTools.NanoAODTools.postprocessing.framework.datamodule, allows to dynamically construct views of objects organized in collections, based on the branch names, for instance:

electrons = Collection(event, "Electron")
if len(electrons)>1: print electrons[0].someVar+electrons[1].someVar
electrons_highpt = filter(lambda x: x.pt>50, electrons)

and this will access the elements of the Electron_someVar, Electron_pt branch arrays. Event variables can be accessed simply by event.someVar, for instance event.rho.

The output branches should be filled calling the fillBranch(branchname, value) method of wrappedOutputTree. value should be the desired value for single-value branches, an iterable with the correct length for array branches. It is not necessary to fill the lenVar branch explicitly, as this is done automatically using the length of the passed iterable.