vially / volumectl

Small utility to control the volume from the command line
MIT License
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cli notifications pulseaudio volume

volumectl - CLI utility to control the volume


notification bubble

volumectl displays a nice notification bubble when a notification server is installed.

Usage Examples

Increase volume (by default the increment is 2%):

$ volumectl up

Increase volume with 7%:

$ volumectl set 7%+

Decrease volume (by default the decrement is 2%):

$ volumectl down

Toggle mute:

$ volumectl toggle

Set volume to 50%:

$ volumectl set 50%


The easiest way to install volumectl is to download the latest binary from Releases and add it to your PATH.

Arch Linux

volumectl is also available from the AUR

Building from source

If you're a developer or you want to build it from source you should: go get

Runtime Requirements

Available Commands

   volumectl command [arguments]

   up          increase volume (with 2%)
   down        decrease volume (with 2%)
   mute        mute volume
   unmute      unmute volume
   toggle      toggle mute
   set         set volume to a specific value
   help, h     Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --version, -v    print the version
   --help, -h       show help