vic1707 / AutoPlay-PokeMeow-Discord

A bot that plays PokeMeow for you
15 stars 19 forks source link

⚠️ This project is not updated anymore and won't ever be, Pokemeow moved to slashcommand and I don't want to rework on that project anymore. The logic should still be fine and replacing the CustiomDriver with slashSommands interactions should be enough to get it to work again.

I'm not using this bot anymore, but it should still be working great. The most common and known issues are :

If my bot doesn't work for you I would advise you to try the one created by Mehul343 which shouldn't encounter login issues since it logs in via the discord API (far better than using a browser!). His repo was deleted.

+ be aware that i won't answer any incomplete issue, I need the command used (hide your credentials), a screenshot of the cmd prompt and context of the browser window

AutoPlay PokeMeow Discord 🤖

The timings between each catchs and fishs are defined line 60 for the fishes and line 67 ( both in for classic pokemons. The bare minimum is 10seconds (or Pokemeow will tell you to wait). I would advise you to set it to a random number by replacing the 10 by something like randint(10, 20) (10 will be the minimum waiting time and 20 the maximum).

Supported features

This bot can currently handle :

  1. All the checklist commands (so ;daily, ;hunt etc...) // NO VOTE ANYMORE BECAUSE CAPTCHA
  2. Vote for Pokemeow every 12H (can fail sometimes, added a captcha) // NO VOTE ANYMORE BECAUSE CAPTCHA
  3. Throw Pokeballs depending on the rarity of the Pokemon
  4. Buy Pokeballs when you're out of stock (only if you can buy a certain amount of each less effective balls : see dedicated section)
  5. Handle your eggs
  6. Use all your Repels and Golden Razz Berries
  7. Open every boxes in your bag
  8. Can fish for you (via an argument)

How buying works

With the default settings, the bot will buy :

⚠️ So if it didn't bought any balls it means that you were a little bit too poor ⚠️

This is a security to avoid situations where you buy 1 Masterball at 100K and don't have enought coins left to buy lesser effectives balls.


On your pc

  1. Install your favorite version of python 3 and add it to PATH.
  2. If not done already download this repo on your computer as zip and unzip it.
  3. Inside of the repo type the following command python -m pip install -r requirements.txt (If your on a linux distribution or MacOS you got a specify the python version so it's python3 ...)

On your discord

  1. a. You got to activate your Pokemeow account (type ;p at least once)

    b. I recommand you to have at least 1,000 Coins.


In order to launch the bot you have to type the following command: python (python3 if you're on Linux or MACos) with some required arguments :

The following arguments depends on your personnal setup, and are optionnal :

So to load the script you have to type in your Terminal or CMD some thing like : python -U 'John Doe' -M '' -P 'dQw4w9WgXcQ' -C 'CHANNEL LINK' and every other flag needed for your use case. (or python3 for Linux or MacOS)

⚠️ You can of course create a .sh or .bat file in order to execute the command without repetively type the command but rememeber this is a big security breach and we're not responsive for any dataleaking ⚠️


To stop the program simply type Ctrl + C in the command promt, or close the browser if not in Headless mode, or close directly the command promt.

Adding new webdrivers

If you want your favorite browser to be supported, visit : and see if your's part of the supported drivers of Selenium.

Disclamer ⚠️