vickyyin1493 / Replication-FFJR

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Our Main replication file included our initial attempt in trying to replicate FFJR, this version of FFJR replication is our "initial data steps" on Financial Accounting Research project. We used the codes in the textbook and changed the frequency from monthly to daily data and used announcement dates instead of effective dates for stock splits. We restricted the window to be from 1990 - 2022 for our analysis.

Our Splits followed by dividends? file included our analysis for whether splits are more often than not followed by dividends, as our attempt in trying to do this analysis in the Main replication resulted a very small sample, we used monthly data on announcement dates with 1990 - 2022 timeframe for our analysis.

Our Matched pre-announcement returns analysis file contained our attempt in trying to find two companies with similar returns, one announced a split but the other one did not, and trying to analyse their returns pattern after the split announcement of the split-firm. We are still in the process of trying to find a firm without a split to compare with the split-firm we found that has 13% return before split.