victordibia / handtrack.js

A library for prototyping realtime hand detection (bounding box), directly in the browser.
MIT License
2.83k stars 250 forks source link
artificial-intelligence handtracking javascript javascript-library neural-networks


npm version npm

View a live demo in your browser here.

Note: Version 0.0.13 is the old version of handtrack.js which tracks only hands and was trained on the egohands dataset. It is slightly more stable than the recent version v 0.1.x which is trained on a new dataset (still in active development) and supports more classes (open, closed, pinch, point, zoom etc.). You might see some issues with the new version (feel free to downgrade to 0.0.13 as needed) and also report the issues you see.

Handtrack.js is a library for prototyping realtime hand detection (bounding box), directly in the browser. It frames handtracking as an object detection problem, and uses a trained convolutional neural network to predict bounding boxes for the location of hands in an image.

Whats New? v0.1.x

Handtrack.js is currently being updated (mostly around optimizations for speed/accuracy and functionality). Here is a list of recent changes:

Note that smaller models don't translate to faster inference speed - all three sizes yield about the same FPS.

The underlying models are trained using the tensorflow object detection api (see here).

FPS Image Size Device Browser Comments
26 450 * 380 Macbook Pro (i7, 2.2GHz, 2018) Chrome Version 72.0.3626 --
14 450 * 380 Macbook Pro (i7, 2.2GHz, mid 2014) Chrome Version 72.0.3626 --

Note: Handtrack.js has not been extensively tested on mobile browsers. There have been some known inconsistencies still being investigated.


Handtrack.js is provided as a useful wrapper to allow you prototype hand/gesture based interactions in your web applications. without the need to understand machine learning. It takes in a html image element (img, video, canvas elements, for example) and returns an array of bounding boxes, class names and confidence scores.

Import the Handtrack.js Library

Note that the current version of the handtrack.js library is designed to work in the browser (frontend Javascript) and not Node.js.

Handtrack.js can be imported into your application either via a script tag or via npm. Once imported, handtrack.js provides an asynchronous load() method which returns a promise for a object detection model object.

Import via Script Tag

<!-- Load the handtrackjs model. -->
<script src=""> </script>

<!-- Replace this with your image. Make sure CORS settings allow reading the image! -->
<img id="img" src=""/>  

<!-- Place your code in the script tag below. You can also use an external .js file -->
  const img = document.getElementById('img'); 
  const model =  await handTrack.load();
  const predictions = await model.detect(img); 

via NPM

npm install --save handtrackjs
import * as handTrack from 'handtrackjs';

const img = document.getElementById('img'); 
const model =  await handTrack.load();
const predictions = await model.detect(img); 

Handtrack.js also proivdes a set of library helper methods (e.g. to start and stop video playback on a video element) and some model methods (e.g. detect, getFPS etc). Please see the project documentation page for more details on the API and examples.

How does Handtrack.js Work?

When Should I Use Handtrack.js

If you are interested in prototyping gesture based (body as input) interactive experiences, Handtrack.js can be useful. The user does not need to attach any additional sensors or hardware but can immediately take advantage of engagement benefits that result from gesture based and body-as-input interactions.

Some (not all) relevant scenarios are listed below: 


The main limitation currently is that handtrack.js is still a fairly heavy model and there have been some inconsistent results when run on mobile.

Run Demo

Commands below runs the demo example in the demo folder.

npm install
npm run start

The start script launches a simple python3 webserver from the demo folder using http.server. You should be able to view it in your browser at http://localhost:3005/. You can also view the pong game control demo on same link http://localhost:3005/pong.html

Citing this Work (see abstract)

Paper abstract of the paper is here. (a full paper will be added when complete).

If you use this code in your project/paper/research and would like to cite this work, use the below.

Victor Dibia, HandTrack: A Library For Prototyping Real-time Hand TrackingInterfaces using Convolutional Neural Networks,

  author = {Victor, Dibia},
  title = {HandTrack: A Library For Prototyping Real-time Hand TrackingInterfaces using Convolutional Neural Networks},
  year = {2017},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  url = {}, 

TODO (ideas welcome)