vidoardes / dex

Online tracker for Pokemon GO
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
16 stars 4 forks source link


Keep track of your little monsters

A simple app that allows you to track and maintain a list of Pokemon, including any variants in a easy to read and sharable format.

Built using Python 3.8


Project Setup


First you will need to create you virtual environment, so open once you have checked out the repo open a terminal window and create a new directory in the root of your project:

python -m venv env

Once created you can activate it and install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt  
npm install

You will need to run a debug mail server in your test environment, which can be done with the following command:

 python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:8025

and you will need to create a database called dex with the user role and password dex:test (or change the connection string in the example config). Once availible you can then run the following commands to create the empty tables.

 flask db init  
 flask db migrate  
 flask db upgrade

Once all of the above is complete, you are ready to run the site! Simply typepython -m dex and gulp in to your terminal to get started.

Other Resources


Massive thank you to Chrales, whos work on updating the assets from PoGO makes this app looks so good! You can find his repo here.

To normalise the images and trim the empty space, you can either visit my extra repository here, or you can install ImageMagick and run the following command:

Windows Powershell:

 Foreach ($f in Get-ChildItem *.png) {
     magick "$f" -fuzz 15% -trim +repage "$f"

Unix / Linux Bash:

for f in ./*.png; do
  magick "$f" -fuzz 15% -trim +repage "$f";

Play around with the parameters to see what you can do, ImageMagick is a very powerful tool.


Without all of these open source projects DEX wouldn't have happened, so massive thank you goes to: