view-components / grids

MIT License
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Flexible Framework-agnostic Data Grids for PHP

This project is a successor of nayjest/grids (Data Grids Framework for Laravel).

This package is framwork-agnostic in sense of both backend and frontend frameworks, i.e.:

Project status: beta since 2016-03-31

Have questions? Ask in issue-tracker.



Table of Contents




Installing into Existing Project

The recommended way of installing the component is through Composer.

Run following command from your project folder:

composer require view-components/grids


If you use Laravel, install also eloquent-data-processing package.

composer require view-components/eloquent-data-processing

This will give possibility to use Eloquent models and query builder instances as data source for grid.

For Doctrine users, there is doctrine-data-processing package available.

composer require view-components/doctrine-data-processing

Installing as Stand-alone Project

For running tests and demo-application bundled with this package on your system you need to install it as stand-alone project.

composer create-project view-components/grids

This is the equivalent of doing a git clone followed by a "composer install" of the vendors. Composer will automatically run 'post-create-project-cmd' command and that will call interactive installation.

If you want to use default settings and run it silently, just add --no-interaction option.

If you already cloned this repository, or you want to reinstall the package, navigate to the package folder and run composer create-project command without specifying package name.

If you are sure that you don't need to reinstall composer dependencies, you can execute only bundled installer: composer run post-create-project-cmd

This kind of installation has additional requirements:


Area Framework Component Package Status
Backend Laravel(Eloquent) Eloquent Data Provider view-components/eloquent-data-processing Ready, Stable
Backend Laravel(Blade) Blade Renderer Planned
Backend Symfony(Twig) Twig Renderer Planned
Backend Zend Framework 2/3 * Planned
Backend Yii 2 * Planned
Backend Doctrine(DBAL) Doctrine(DBAL) Data Provider view-components/doctrine-dbal-processing Ready, Beta
Backend Any PHP Array Data Provider Bundled Ready, Unstable
Backend Any PDO Data Provider Bundled Ready, Unstable
Frontend Twitter Bootstrap Bootstrap View Customization Bundled Ready, Beta
Frontend Foundation by ZURB Foundation View Customization Bundled Ready, Unstable
Frontend Semantic UI Semantic UI View Customization Bundled Ready, Unstable
Frontend Yahoo Pure Yahoo Pure View Customization Planned
Frontend UIKit UIKit View Customization Planned


Basic example:

$provider = new DbTableDataProvider($pdoConnection, 'my_table');
$input = new InputSource($_GET);

// create grid
$grid = new Grid(
    // all components are optional, you can specify only columns
        new TableCaption('My Grid'),
        new Column('id'),
        new Column('name'),
        new Column('role'),
        new Column('birthday'),
        (new Column('age'))
            ->setValueCalculator(function ($row) {
                return DateTime
                    ::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $row->birthday)
                    ->diff(new DateTime('now'))
            ->setValueFormatter(function ($val) {
                return "$val years";
        new DetailsRow(new SymfonyVarDump()), // when clicking on data rows, details will be shown
        new PaginationControl($input->option('page', 1), 5), // 1 - default page, 5 -- page size
        new PageSizeSelectControl($input->option('page_size', 5), [2, 5, 10]), // allows to select page size
        new ColumnSortingControl('id', $input->option('sort')),
        new ColumnSortingControl('birthday', $input->option('sort')),
        new FilterControl('name', FilterOperation::OPERATOR_LIKE, $input->option('name')),
        new CsvExport($input->option('csv')), // yep, that's so simple, you have CSV export now
        new PageTotalsRow([
            'id' => PageTotalsRow::OPERATION_IGNORE,
            'age' => PageTotalsRow::OPERATION_AVG

// now you can render it:
echo $grid->render();
// or even this way:
echo $grid;

//  but also you can add some styling:
$customization = new BootstrapStyling();
echo $grid;

Demo Application

This package bundled with demo-application.

Source code of demos available here

Working Demo Deployed to Heroku

Travis CI automatically deploys web-application bundled with this package to Heroku.

Here you can see working demos:

First run may be slow because Heroku shutting down workers when there is no traffic and starts it again on first visit

Running Demo Application Locally

To run it locally, you must install this package as stand-alone project with dev-dependencies.

Then, run web-server from the package directory with the following command:

composer serve

This command uses web-server bundled with PHP.

Now, open http://localhost:8000 in the browser (for Windows users it will be opened automatically after starting web-server).



This application bundled with unit and acceptance tests created with PHPUnit.

To run tests locally, you must install this package as stand-alone project with dev-dependencies.

Command for running unit and acceptance tests:

composer test

Command for checking code style:

composer cs


Please see Contributing Guidelines and Code of Conduct for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


© 2015—2016 Vitalii Stepanenko

Licensed under the MIT License.

Please see License File for more information.