An accessible, light-weight, vanilla date picker < 6kb
gzipped. Bring your own styles, or play off the demo.
npm install ca11y --save
This is a work in progress. Accessibility testing thus far has been through basic keyboard usage and Apple VoiceOver on OS X Safari. We would love more testing and advice from the community!
Feedback, pull requests, bug reports and ideas for improvement. Got some? Head on over to issues.
import Ca11y from 'ca11y'
Ca11y.init('.date-picker', options)
import Ca11y from 'ca11y'
const input = document.getElementById('date-input')
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, options)
Pass any of the options listed below to override the defaults.
just provides the markup and functionality. You're on the hook to provide css. Feel free to use the styles from the demo as a starting point. At the very least, you'll need to something like this to hide the date-picker when inactive:
.ca11y__picker[aria-hidden="true"] {
display: none;
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, {
container: input.parentElement // default
The HTML element where you want the datepicker to render.
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, {
toggle: this.ui.datePicker.querySelector('.ca11y__toggle') // default (dynamically created)
The HTML element that should toggle datepicker when clicked. Defaults to a dynamically created button.
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, {
format: ['mm', 'dd', 'yyyy'] // default
A an Array
of date codes to specify your desired format. Joined with options.delimiter
Available formats:
key | value |
d | Day of the month as digits; no leading zero for single-digit days. |
dd | Day of the month as digits; leading zero for single-digit days. |
ddd | Day of the week as a three-letter abbreviation. |
dddd | Day of the week as its full name. |
m | Month as digits; no leading zero for single-digit months. |
mm | Month as digits; leading zero for single-digit months. |
mmm | Month as a three-letter abbreviation. |
mmmm | Month as its full name. |
yy | Year as last two digits; leading zero for years less than 10. |
yyyy | Year represented by four digits. |
and label
values are read by screen readers. Provide transitionDuration
if you are using the css transition
property on the .ca11y__picker
element to allow auto-focusing of the selected day on transition end.
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, {
delimiter: "/" // default
The String
used to join
the date segments defined in the options.format
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, {
transitionDuration: 200 // default
If you are transitioning open and closing the calendar with CSS, specify the transitionDuration
in milliseconds here.
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, {
autofill: false // default
Set to true
if you want a blank input to be auto-filled with today's date.
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, {
onSelect: onSelect(value, input, state, date) {
input.value = value
} // default
The function
that runs whenever a date is selected. By default, it sets the input value to the selected date, formatted as defined by format
and delimiter
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, {
months: [
{ fullName: 'January', displayName: 'Jan', shortName: 'Jan' },
An Array
of objects containing the fullName
, displayName
, and shortName
of each month. fullName
is what gets read by screen readers. displayName
gets rendered to the calendar, and shortName
is for usage with output formats. Override with other languages or desired text.
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, {
days: [
{ fullName: 'Sunday', displayName: 'S', shortName: 'Sun' } ,
Same format as `months`. Override with other languages or desired text.
#### `options.dayTitles`
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, {
dayTitles: [
Read aloud by screen readers when a date receives focus. Override with other languages or desired text.
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, {
dayTitles: [
Read aloud by screen readers when a date receives focus. Override with other languages or desired text.
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, {
toggleIcon: "<svg>...</svg>" // defaults to Google material calendar icon
The icon to be rendered as the toggle button label. Defaults to svg
iconography from
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, {
toggleAriaLabel: "Toggle the Datepicker" // default
The aria-label
that should be read by a screen reader when the (default) toggle button is focused.
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, {
next: {
html: '<button>Next</button>',
label: 'Next Month'
The html
will be rendered as the next month button. The label
is screen-reader only. Defaults to svg
iconography from
const datePicker = new Ca11y(input, {
prev: {
html: '<button>Prev</button>',
label: 'Previous Month'
The html
will be rendered as the previous month button. The label
is screen-reader only. Defaults to svg
iconography from
Ca11y upgrades standard text inputs to date-pickers. If you're interested in using the native HTML5 date-picker via <input type="date">
, consider loading Ca11y based on a feature test, like this one (pulled from Modernizr):
function isDateInputSupported() {
var input = document.createElement('input')
input.setAttribute('type', 'date')
var isDate = input.type !== 'text' && 'style' in input
var testValue = '1)'
if (isDate) {
input.value = testValue = 'position:absolute;visibility:hidden;'
isDate = input.value != testValue
return isDate
npm install
npm start
npm run deploy
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