vigneshkarunagaran / WhatsApp_Status_Tracker

12 stars 3 forks source link

Triggers Telegram API-based notifications when a target phone number comes online. Also monitors the session time

Warning!! This Repo is Purly educational purpose Don't use this to stalk on others, which is subjective to crime


  1. Telegram bot of your own with token and Chat ID
  2. Python Installed
  3. Chrome or any similar browser
  4. Webdriver

Libraries: Selenium Requests


  1. Run the script
  2. You will be launched with WhatsApp web as below image
  3. Scan Your QR code
  4. Open person's chat that you want to track Screenshot 2021-11-10 162837
  5. Once Done press Enter

This will monitor the persons online activity. Once the person comes Online will post you in telegram chat bot provided with session period.

Sample Output: Screenshot 2021-11-10 163646