vijaydwivedi75 / lrgb

Long Range Graph Benchmark, NeurIPS 2022 Track on D&B
MIT License
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graph-benchmark graph-datasets graph-neural-networks graph-representation-learning graph-transformer long-range long-range-dependence

LRGB: Long Range Graph Benchmark


We present the Long Range Graph Benchmark (LRGB) with 5 graph learning datasets that arguably require long-range reasoning to achieve strong performance in a given task.

In this repo, we provide the source code to load the proposed datasets and run baseline experiments. The repo is based on GraphGPS which is built using PyG and GraphGym from PyG2.

Update: Reassessment of LRGB

For a reassessment of the baselines on which LRGB were initially evaluated, we refer to this paper and thank @toenshoff for the PR on PCQM-Contact's evaluation metric.

Overview of Datasets

Dataset Domain Task Node Feat. (dim) Edge Feat. (dim) Perf. Metric
PascalVOC-SP Computer Vision Node Prediction Pixel + Coord (14) Edge Weight (1 or 2) macro F1
COCO-SP Computer Vision Node Prediction Pixel + Coord (14) Edge Weight (1 or 2) macro F1
PCQM-Contact Quantum Chemistry Link Prediction Atom Encoder (9) Bond Encoder (3) Hits@K, MRR
Peptides-func Chemistry Graph Classification Atom Encoder (9) Bond Encoder (3) AP
Peptides-struct Chemistry Graph Regression Atom Encoder (9) Bond Encoder (3) MAE

Statistics of Datasets

Dataset # Graphs # Nodes μ Nodes μ Deg. # Edges μ Edges μ Short. Path μ Diameter
PascalVOC-SP 11,355 5,443,545 479.40 5.65 30,777,444 2,710.48 10.74±0.51 27.62±2.13
COCO-SP 123,286 58,793,216 476.88 5.65 332,091,902 2,693.67 10.66±0.55 27.39±2.14
PCQM-Contact 529,434 15,955,687 30.14 2.03 32,341,644 61.09 4.63±0.63 9.86±1.79
Peptides-func 15,535 2,344,859 150.94 2.04 4,773,974 307.30 20.89±9.79 56.99±28.72
Peptides-struct 15,535 2,344,859 150.94 2.04 4,773,974 307.30 20.89±9.79 56.99±28.72

Python environment setup with Conda

conda create -n lrgb python=3.9
conda activate lrgb

conda install pytorch=1.9 torchvision torchaudio -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install pyg=2.0.2 -c pyg -c conda-forge
conda install pandas scikit-learn

# RDKit is required for OGB-LSC PCQM4Mv2 and datasets derived from it.  
conda install openbabel fsspec rdkit -c conda-forge

# Check to install DGL based on your CUDA requirements
pip install dgl-cu111 dglgo -f

pip install performer-pytorch
pip install torchmetrics==0.7.2
pip install ogb
pip install wandb

conda clean --all

Running GraphGPS

conda activate lrgb

# Running GCN baseline for Peptides-func.
python --cfg configs/GCN/peptides-func-GCN.yaml  wandb.use False

# Running SAN baseline for PascalVOC-SP.
python --cfg configs/SAN/vocsuperpixels-SAN.yaml  wandb.use False

The scripts for all experiments are located in run directory.

W&B logging

To use W&B logging, set wandb.use True and have a gtransformers entity set-up in your W&B account (or change it to whatever else you like by setting wandb.entity).

License Information

Dataset Derived from Original License LRGB Release License
PascalVOC-SP Pascal VOC 2011 Custom* Custom*
PCQM-Contact PCQM4Mv2 CC BY 4.0 CC BY 4.0
Peptides-func SATPdb CC BY-NC 4.0 CC BY-NC 4.0
Peptides-struct SATPdb CC BY-NC 4.0 CC BY-NC 4.0

*Custom License for Pascal VOC 2011 (respecting Flickr terms of use)


The leaderboards of various models' performance on the datasets in LRGB are at paperswithcode.

Currently reported results (last update on Aug 10th, 2023)

PascalVOC-SP (Node Classification) | Model | Test F1 (higher is better) | Reference | #params | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Exphormer | 0.3975±0.0037 | [Shirzad, Velingker, Venkatachalam, et al, ICML 2023]( | 509k | | GraphGPS | 0.3748±0.0109 | [Rampášek et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 510k | | Cache-GNN+LapPE | 0.3462±0.0085 | [Ma et al, KDD 2023]( | 500k | | DRew-GatedGCN+LapPE | 0.3314±0.0024 | [Gutteridge et al, ICML 2023]( | 502k | | SAN+LapPE | 0.3230±0.0039 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 531k | | SAN+RWSE | 0.3216±0.0027 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 468k | | GatedGCN+LapPE+virtual node | 0.3103±0.0068 | [Cai et al, ICML 2023]( | 502k | | GatedGCN | 0.2873±0.0219 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 502k | | GatedGCN+LapPE | 0.2860±0.0085 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 502k | | Transformer+LapPE | 0.2694±0.0098 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 501k | | GCNII | 0.1698±0.0080 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 492k | | GCN | 0.1268±0.0060 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 496k | | GINE | 0.1265±0.0076 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 505k |
COCO-SP (Node Classification) | Model | Test F1 (higher is better) | Reference | #params | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Exphormer | 0.3455±0.0009 | [Shirzad, Velingker, Venkatachalam, et al, ICML 2023]( | 499k | | GraphGPS | 0.3412±0.0044 | [Rampášek et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 516k | | Cache-GNN+LapPE | 0.2793±0.0033 | [Ma et al, KDD 2023]( | 500k | | GatedGCN | 0.2641±0.0045 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 509k | | Transformer+LapPE | 0.2618±0.0031 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 508k | | SAN+LapPE | 0.2592±0.0158 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 536k | | GatedGCN+LapPE | 0.2574±0.0034 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 509k | | SAN+RWSE | 0.2434±0.0156 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 474k | | GCNII | 0.1404±0.0011 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 505k | | GINE | 0.1339±0.0044 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 515k | | GCN | 0.0841±0.0010 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 509k |
Peptides-func (Graph Classification) | Model | Test AP (higher is better) | Reference | #params | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | DRew-GCN+LapPE | 0.7150±0.0044 | [Gutteridge et al, ICML 2023]( | 502k | | GRIT | 0.6988±0.0082 | [Ma, Lin, et al, ICML 2023]( | 443k | | GraphMLP-Mixer | 0.6970±0.0080 | [He et al, ICML 2023]( | 397k | | Graph ViT | 0.6942±0.0075 | [He et al, ICML 2023]( | 692k | | MGT+WavePE | 0.6817±0.0064 | [Ngo, Hy, et al, 2023]( | 499k | | PathNN | 0.6816±0.0026 | [Michel, Nikolentzos et al, ICML 2023]( | 510k | | GatedGCN+RWSE+virtual node | 0.6685±0.0062 | [Cai et al, ICML 2023]( | 506k | | Cache-GNN+LapPE | 0.6671±0.0056 | [Ma et al, KDD 2023]( | 500k | | Graph Diffuser | 0.6651±0.0010 | [Glickman & Yahav, 2023]( | 509k | | CIN++ | 0.6569±0.0117 | [Giusti et al, 2023]( | ~500k | | GraphGPS | 0.6535±0.0041 | [Rampášek et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 504k | | Exphormer | 0.6527±0.0043 | [Shirzad, Velingker, Venkatachalam, et al, ICML 2023]( | 446k | | SAN+RWSE | 0.6439±0.0075 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 500k | | SAN+LapPE | 0.6384±0.0121 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 493k | | Transformer+LapPE | 0.6326±0.0126 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 488k | | GatedGCN+RWSE | 0.6069±0.0035 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 506k | | GCN | 0.5930±0.0023 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 508k | | GatedGCN | 0.5864±0.0077 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 509k | | GCNII | 0.5543±0.0078 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 505k | | GINE | 0.5498±0.0079 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 476k |
Peptides-struct (Graph Regression) | Model | Test MAE (lower is better) | Reference | #params | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Cache-GNN+LapPE | 0.2358±0.0013 | [Ma et al, KDD 2023]( | 500k | | Graph ViT | 0.2449±0.0016 | [He et al, ICML 2023]( | 561k | | MGT+WavePE | 0.2453±0.0025 | [Ngo, Hy, et al, 2023]( | 499k | | GRIT | 0.2460±0.0012 | [Ma, Lin, et al, ICML 2023]( | 439k | | Graph Diffuser | 0.2461±0.0010 | [Glickman & Yahav, 2023]( | 509k | | Exphormer | 0.2481±0.0007 | [Shirzad, Velingker, Venkatachalam, et al, ICML 2023]( | 426k | | GCN+virtual node | 0.2488±0.0021 | [Cai et al, ICML 2023]( | 508k | | Graph MLP-Mixer | 0.2494±0.0007 | [He et al, ICML 2023]( | 397k | | GraphGPS | 0.2500±0.0005 | [Rampášek et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 504k | | CIN++ | 0.2523±0.0013 | [Giusti et al, 2023]( | ~500k | | Transformer+LapPE | 0.2529±0.0016 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 488k | | DRew-GCN+LapPE | 0.2536±0.0015 | [Gutteridge et al, ICML 2023]( | 495k | | SAN+RWSE | 0.2545±0.0012 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 500k | | PathNN | 0.2545±0.0032 | [Michel, Nikolentzos et al, ICML 2023]( | 469k | | NPQ+GATv2 | 0.2589±0.0031 | [Jain et al, KLR Workshop at ICML, 2023]( | NA | | SAN+LapPE | 0.2683±0.0043 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 493k | | GatedGCN+RWSE | 0.3357±0.0006 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 506k | | GatedGCN | 0.3420±0.0013 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 509k | | GCNII | 0.3471±0.0010 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 505k | | GCN | 0.3496±0.0013 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 508k | | GINE | 0.3547±0.0045 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 476k |
PCQM-Contact (Link Prediction) | Model | Test MRR (higher is better) | Test Hits@1 | Test Hits@3 | Test Hits@10 | Reference | #params | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Exphormer | 0.3637±0.0020 | | | | [Shirzad, Velingker, Venkatachalam, et al, ICML 2023]( | 396k | | Cache-GNN+RWSE | 0.3488±0.0008 | 0.1463±0.0011 | 0.4102±0.0008 | 0.8693±0.0008 | [Ma et al, KDD 2023]( | 500k | | DRew-GCN | 0.3444±0.0017 | | | | [Gutteridge et al, ICML 2023]( | 515k | | Graph Diffuser | 0.3388±0.0011 | 0.1369±0.0012 | 0.4053±0.0011 | 0.8592±0.0007 | [Glickman & Yahav, 2023]( | 521k | | SAN+LapPE | 0.3350±0.0003 | 0.1355±0.0017 | 0.4004±0.0021 | 0.8478±0.0044 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 499k | | SAN+RWSE | 0.3341±0.0006 | 0.1312±0.0016 | 0.4030±0.0008 | 0.8550±0.0024 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 509k | | GraphGPS | 0.3337±0.0006 | | | | [Rampášek et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 513k | | GatedGCN+RWSE | 0.3242±0.0008 | 0.1288±0.0013 | 0.3808±0.0006 | 0.8517±0.0005 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 524k | | GCN | 0.3234±0.0006 | 0.1321±0.0007 | 0.3791±0.0004 | 0.8256±0.0006 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 504k | | GatedGCN | 0.3218±0.0011 | 0.1279±0.0018 | 0.3783±0.0004 | 0.8433±0.0011 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 527k | | GINE | 0.3180±0.0027 | 0.1337±0.0013 | 0.3642±0.0043 | 0.8147±0.0062 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 517k | | Transformer+LapPE | 0.3174±0.0020 | 0.1221±0.0011 | 0.3679±0.0033 | 0.8517±0.0039 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 502k | | GCNII | 0.3161±0.0004 | 0.1325±0.0009 | 0.3607±0.0003 | 0.8116±0.0009 | [Dwivedi et al, NeurIPS 2022]( | 501k |


If you find this work useful, please cite our paper:

  title={Long Range Graph Benchmark}, 
  author={Dwivedi, Vijay Prakash and Rampášek, Ladislav and Galkin, Mikhail and Parviz, Ali and Wolf, Guy and Luu, Anh Tuan and Beaini, Dominique},
  booktitle={Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track},