vijayvee / video-captioning

This repository contains the code for a video captioning system inspired by Sequence to Sequence -- Video to Text. This system takes as input a video and generates a caption in English describing the video.
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multimodal-deep-learning s2vt seq2seq sequence-to-sequence tensorflow video-captioning

Automated Video Captioning using S2VT


This repository contains my implementation of a video captioning system. This system takes as input a video and generates a caption describing the event in the video.

I took inspiration from Sequence to Sequence -- Video to Text, a video captioning work proposed by researchers at the University of Texas, Austin.


For running my code and reproducing the results, the following packages need to be installed first. I have used Python 2.7 for the whole of this project.


S2VT - Architecture and working

Attached below is the architecture diagram of S2VT as given in their paper.


The working of the system while generating a caption for a given video is represented below diagrammatically.


Running instructions

  1. Install all the packages mentioned in the 'Requirements' section for the smooth running of this project.
  2. Using Vid2Url_Full.txt, download the dataset clips from Youtube and store in .
    • Example to use Vid2Url - {'vid1547': 'm1NR0uNNs5Y_104_110'}
    • YouTube video identifier - m1NR0uNNs5Y
    • Start time - 104 seconds, End time - 110 seconds
    • Download frames between 104 seconds and 110 seconds in
    • Relevant frames for video id 'vid1547' have been downloaded
  3. Pass downloaded video paths and batch size (depending on hardware constraints) to extract_feats() in to extract VGG16 features for the downloaded video clips and store in .
  4. Change paths in lines 13 to 16 in to point to directories in your workspace.
  5. Run with the number of epochs as a command line argument. eg. python 10
  6. Pass saved checkpoint files from Step 5 to to run trained model on the validation set.

Sample results

Attached below are a few screenshots from caption generation for videos from the validation set.




Even though S2VT was trained on MSVD, M-VAD and MPII-MD, I have trained my system only on MSVD, which can be downloaded here.


A demo of my system can be found here
