This project shows Appium and Serenity framework integration to run sample test case on native Android app.
Method 1:
1.1 with arc command
1.2 Run arc command which takes caps from appium.txt and launches app on mobile in this case
1.3 You can now easily play with app with commands like
page_class, page, @driver.methods, @driver.find_element(:id,....).click
Method 2:
2.1 with irb command
2.2 run irb command
2.3 Later run below commands in sequenc
2.3.1 require 'appium_lib'
2.3.2 caps = {
caps: {
platformName: "Android",
platformVersion: "5.0.1",
deviceName: "d6e4f8d6",
app: 'FULL_PATH/Flipkart.3.0.apk',
newCommandTimeout: '9999'
appium_lib: {
server_url: 'http://localhost:4723/wd/hub',
wait: 300
2.3.4 Appium.promote_appium_methods Object
2.4 You can now easily play with app with commands like
page_class, page, @driver.methods, @driver.find_element(:id,....).click
Why this is better than using Appium Client ?
I find this Ruby way of playing with app ( REPL ) much easier than Appium Client as later is slower and buggier.