vilnius / tvarkau-vilniu

Tvarkau Vilniu Android app
MIT License
24 stars 14 forks source link

Tvarkau Vilnių

Build Status

Build Status - download latest build from Bitrise.



Repozitorija naujos Android programėlės programiniam kodui. Visa tolimesnė vidinė komunikacija vyksta angliškai, nes komandoje yra ir užsieniečių.


Repo for new Android app source-code. Since there are foreigners in the team, all other further communication will be in english.


For instant messaging with team join Tvarkau-Vilnių channel on Slack.

Tasks, issues

Some tasks are in Trello board.

Post new issues, suggestions, questions or ideas here in Github's issues section.


To run tests from command line run ./gradlew testDebug

To run tests from Android Studio select test class or package, right click and select Run Tests


Fluid versioning is used for this project.

The number in the first position ( indicates a major release.

The number in the second position ( indicates a minor release.

The number in the third position ( indicates a bug fix release.

The number in the fourth position ( indicates a special micro release.

Version numbers should be changed in app/build.gradle file.


After merging pull request with master branch app will be automatically published to Google play Beta track and tag with version name will appear in GitHub.

Note for Mac/Linux users

follow small guide at section Note for Linux and Mac Users