vilonlab / dot-chaser

Built with Unity. An observational experiment investigating the retinotopic flow patterns generated by visual search + ground fixations during locomotion.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Explore Walk-able space (ground plane) set up and definition within Unity #3

Open trentwirth opened 3 weeks ago

trentwirth commented 3 weeks ago

In order to script the Dot so that it "jumps" to a new space, it needs to jump only into "walkable" spaces. The Quest lets you define your "play space", but I (@trentwirth ) don't know if we need to use this in our experiment or not. Questions:

What Trent would like to do:

trentwirth commented 2 weeks ago

@bradencollier thinks that the playspace's center point is 0,0,0 of the "game", but if it's not there is also a command that can be used to center the game on the playspace.

Next step with this is probably to test it.