vim-erlang / vim-erlang-compiler

Erlang syntax checking and compiler plugin for Vim
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vim-erlang-compiler is an Erlang syntax checking and compiler plugin for Vim.

Table of Contents


Vim's built-in package manager This is the recommended installation method if you use at least Vim 8 and you don't use another package manager. Information about Vim's built-in package manager: [`:help packages`]. Installation steps: 1. Clone this repository (you can replace `foo` with the directory name of your choice): ```sh $ git clone \ ~/.vim/pack/foo/start/vim-erlang-compiler ``` 2. Restart Vim. 3. Generate help page (replace `foo` with the same directory name as above): ``` :helptags ~/.vim/pack/foo/start/vim-erlang-compiler/doc ```
Pathogen Information about Pathogen: [Pathogen repository]. Installation steps: 1. Clone this repository: ``` $ git clone \ ~/.vim/bundle/vim-erlang-compiler ``` 2. Restart Vim. 3. Generate help page: ``` :Helptags ```
Vundle Information about Vundle: [Vundle repository]. Installation steps: 1. Add `vim-erlang-compiler` to your plugin list in `.vimrc` by inserting the line that starts with `Plugin`: ``` call vundle#begin() [...] Plugin 'vim-erlang/vim-erlang-compiler' [...] call vundle#end() ``` 2. Restart Vim. 3. Run `:PluginInstall`.
Vim-Plug Information about Vim-Plug: [vim-plug repository]. Installation steps: 1. Add `vim-erlang-compiler` to your plugin list in `.vimrc` by inserting the line that starts with `Plug`: ``` call plug#begin() [...] Plug 'vim-erlang/vim-erlang-compiler' [...] call plug#end() ``` 2. Restart Vim. 3. Run `:PlugInstall`.



"I get compilation error"

If vim-erlang-compiler shows you a compilation error even though there is no compilation error when using your usual build tool, please follow these steps:

  1. Compile your project with your usual build tool first (e.g., rebar compile, rebar3 compile or make), and then try again with vim-erlang-compiler.

    Reason: vim-erlang-compiler needs the ebin directories and app files to be in place, because that is how Erlang itself finds applications when compiling the -include_lib directives.

  2. Execute the following command from the terminal:

    $ /path/to/vim-erlang-compiler/compiler/erlang_check.erl \
          --verbose /path/to/myfile.erl


    • vim-erlang-compiler uses erlang_check.erl to compile the Erlang source files. The --verbose option shows more information, which might help you to figure out the problem.

    • If this produces the same error, we can be sure that the problem is on the Erlang side (not the Vim side).

  3. Check the existing open issues on GitHub. Someone may have already reported the same problem.

  4. If none of the above helps, open a new issue with the following information:

    • Which build system do you use? rebar2, rebar3, Makefile, or nothing?

    • What is the piece of code that cannot be compiled?

    • What is the verbose output of the erlang_check.erl script? (See step 2.)

    • It helps if you can share the project which fails to compile (or a simplified version of it).

I modified g:erlang_make_options but it didn't take effect

See the "Reloading" paragraph in the g:erlang_make_options_rules section in the user documentation.
